bonus chapter?

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Hey guys. I know this is really random, but I felt I needed to do another chapter. There was some parts that I didn't like, and some parts I wanted to add, so I am kinda doing that now.

This takes place after you and Obi return back to the castle.

You are sitting in Zen's office, reading a book that had caught your eye. Zen was nice enough to allow you to borrow it. You go to turn the page, and get a paper cut.

You feel the stinging, and wince. You see Zen look up at you.

"Paper cut?" He says, setting his own down.

"Yeah, it's nothing though." You try to start to read again, without using your finger to hold the book. Zen notices your struggle.

"You should head down to the medical center. I heard that the paper can turn you into a paper monster. Don't want that to happen, do you?" Zen looks at you with a serious face, but you can see a glimmer of amusement.

You look at him with a questioning look. "Your kidding, right?"

Zen shakes his head. "No way, I couldn't joke about something this big."

You sigh, and set your book down. You make your way to the door. You step out, and put your ear to the door.

"Yes, Mistuhide. I know Obi isn't there today. Shirayuki said she wanted to talk to (Y/N)sometime. So I just gave her an opportunity."
Zen's voice fills your head as you roll your eyes and walk off.

You reach the medical wing, and walk over to Shirayuki.

"Uh hey. I got a paper cut. Could you help?" You say shyly.

"Oh ok! No problem! Let me get a bandaid." Shirayuki beams, running off.

You sit down in the chair, and look around. It was a sunny day, but it wasn't to hot. It was just warm and comforting.

Shirayuki comes back with anesthetic and a bandaid. She dabs a cotton ball with the anesthetic on your cut, and covers it with a band aid.

"Thanks Shirayuki. Hey, if you aren't busy, do you mind me hanging out here? I don't have any studies I need to finish." You look up at her. "She wanted a chance to talk to me, so I might as well just give her one."

"Sure! I actually have something I wanted to talk to you about." You look at her with a curious face, even though you knew she wanted to talk to you. She walks over to her desk and gets some herbs out. She puts them in a bowl, and starts grinding them.

"I wanted to thank you, (Y/N)." This actually surprises you, and you don't have to fake a face.

"Before you came, I knew Obi had  feelings for me, that I didn't feel back, and I didn't know what to do. I'm sure you know that I like Zen. I was worried that I was hurting Obi, and I am sure I did. Thankfully, you came to the castle. Not only have I made a new friend, but I don't have to worry about Obi. He likes you."

By now, she had stopped grinding the herbs. " Thank you, (Y/N)."

You nod, and give her a hug. "I'm glad I was able to meet you. I'm sure we will have a long lasting friendship. I'm glad I have meet all of You guys."

Ok guys. I felt that I don't really show much of your friendship with Shirayuki, so I wanted to show that and that she wasn't blind to everything happening. Hopefully my story hasn't been to fluffy, and you all enjoyed it. Thanks so much!

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