Chapter 21

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(Y/N)'s pov

You wake up in a dark, hot room. It is to dark to see anything. It feels hard to breathe. You try to slow your breathing, and get a sense of where you are.

"Ok. I was in my room. I was  kidnapped. I couldn't see, but I felt the cool air outside. I felt it for a while, so we must have traveled far. I heard water too. I fell asleep, and woke up here."

You try to look around again. By now, your eyes have adjusted to the dark, and you can see a little better now. There is a small tray on the ground, with some bread on it. There are a couple of barrels in the room. The room is mostly wood, and there are no windows. There is a door, and you walk over too it. You try the door, but it is locked.

You sit back down on the floor, and nibble on the bread. It smells musty. Like old, rotting wood. You smell a faint sent of pine, and smoke. You finish your stale bread, and lean back against the wood wall. You sit there, not doing or thinking about anything.

"I have to get out of here." You look around and see the door is rotting at the bottom. You grab the now empty tray and start slamming it against the door. Splinters fall off, and you can see a small hole. You look through and see a old, beat up house.

"So I am in a shed or something."

You keep hacking until the hole is fairly large. "Just a little larger."

After a couple more minutes, the hole is large enough for you to crawl through. You crawl through, and feel the sun on your back. You stand up, while still staying low.

To your right, there is the old house. It's wood also rotting. To your left there is a river, and there is forest all around you. You guess that it is early morning. "Makes sense."

You climb up a tree and try to hide from anyone. "I need to figure out where I am."

"Ok, so there are mountains on both sides of me, so I am in a valley. There are also mountains behind me, so I am probably in a mountain ridge."  You climb to a higher branch, and can see farther now. "The castle!" 

In between the two mountains and over the tree line, you see the castle. "Wow, we traveled quite a long way in a short amount of time." You climb back down to a lower branch. "Ok, so I guess I should just start heading back." 

You climb to the ground, and run into the trees. You check to make sure no one Is following you, and no one is. "Wow, this is easy."

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