Chapter 27

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Tomorrow is the day of your brother's wedding. You are extreamly excited, as you have never met Hana before. She would be coming this morning, along with your two brothers Ruto and Soro.

You sit in the parlor looking our the window. Obi comes in and sits next to You.

"So I was wondering, when am I gonna meet this uncle of yours?"

You think for a second.

"I was hoping never. I haven't seen him yet, and I was hoping you haven't. I was thinking that at the wedding, because he would probably be in a better mood." You look out the window again, and see a carradge pull up.

"There here!" You jump up, and run outside. The carradge comes to a stop, and the younger of the two brothers get out.

"Soro!" You run up to him, and hug him. You both laugh, and he hugs you back.

"(Y/N)! Look at You! You are so much taller! But I am still taller!" You roll your eyes at your brother, and punch him in the arm. He laughs again.

By now, Ruto has gotten out, and was helping another person out. You see her when she steps down.

She is wearing a long, green dress that doesn't reach the floor. She is taller than you, but only reaches up to Ruto's shoulder, which she now is leaning her head on. Her hair is black like charcoal, but shiny like a diamond. Her emerald green eyes have a soft, caring look in them.

Her voice rings out. "Hello (Y/N), it is a pleasure to meet you." You bow.

"As to you." You hear Ruto whisper into Hana's ear.

"Don't worry. You don't have to be formal with her, just be a little formal with my parents. And relax, you are good." You see her smile a little, and she speaks again.

"I've heard so much about you, and I'm super excited about being your sister in law." You smile.

"I am too. Ruto never stopped talking about you whenever he would visit. Finally I am able to meet you." She smiles, and you both notice Ruto blush. You both giggle.

"Would you like to come inside?" You offer to Hana.

"Thank you. I am really tired." You lead her inside, and show her to her room.

"I will make sure your bags are brought up too your room." You are about to turn to leave, when she speaks again.

"Wait. I was wondering if you would like to be my bride's maid. I know we haven't known each other for long, but you seem amazing from what your brother tells me. Would you?"

You smile, and give her a hug. "I would love too!"

So I know I am not good with publishing. I'm sorry. I am trying to be better. I have a camping trip this week that I am going on, so I will try to publish as my chapters today for before I go, bit I won t rush them. Thanks for all the reads so far, it is amazing how many I have gotten!

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