Chapter 11

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You are sitting in the library, studying and resting your foot when you decide to open your mail. You have a letter from your oldest brother.

Dear (Y/N),

I have great news for You! I am coming to visit! In have received permission from Prince Izana! I have more news, but it will have to wait until I get there. How are your studies going? I know you have probably heard this so many times, but this is a good opportunity for you. Soro and I didn't have this opportunity. You are probably going to be smarter then us.

The business is going well, dad is very successfull this year. I have traveled a lot this year, trying to make sure everything is going smoothly. I enjoy this business. I think Soro does too. We usually work together, but dad needed us to separate for a little bit so we can "divide and conquer." I will probably see him soon though. I can't wait to see You! We haven't seen each other in years! We will catch up when I arrive at the castle!

Sincerely, Ruto

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