Chapter 16

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Obi enters into Zen's office, not bothering to knock.

"Obi!" Zen yells. He looks at you two, Obi holding your hand, a gash on his arm, and you holding your knife, and your head down.

"What happened?" Zen looks at you, but Obi speaks.

"Some one broke in and attempted to take (Y/N)."

Zen thinks for a moment. "I'll alert the guards, and have them search the castle. Obi, stay with (Y/N) at all times."

"Yes master." Obi looks at you, and you look up at him.

"We need to get you to Shirayuki." You start to pull him, and you see a small smile at the corner of his lips. You reach the medical facility, and step in.

"Obi!" The red haired girl comes running up to you. "What happened?"
You are a little irritated that you have to explain it again, but you know it's not her fault.

"I was attacked, and I was running, and I accedently cut Obi." You plainly say. She prepares a medicine, and spreads it on a bandage. She removes your cloth, and places the new bandage on.

"Thanks for tying the cloth around it, that stopped most of the bleeding." Shirayuki continues working, and ties more bandages on his arm. "There, all done." She smiles at You two.

Your stomach growels a monstrous growl, and you blush in embarrassment. Obi laughs.

"Are you hungry, princess? C'mon, let's get some food." Obi stands up, and you both walk to the kitchen.

"My brother is going to freak when he hears about this. My brothers are very protective." You state, blandly. You walk to the kitchen in silence. You want to thank him again for always being there for you. You also want to repay him in some way.

"Hey Obi, do you think you could teach me to fight?" He stares at you, shocked, then smiles.

"Sure. But we will do it tommorow. You have had enough excitement for today." By now, you have reached the kitchen. You grab a roll and a peach, and Obi grabs an apple and a sugar cookie. You head outside and sit in the grass.

"Why am I a target?" Obi turns to you. "I mean, I think I know why I am a target, but why me? How do they know me?" You don't expect him to have any idea, but saying it helps.

"I don't know, but don't worry about it. We will figure it out." Obi smiles, and you smile back. You like how he says "we."

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