Chapter 2

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"Do they really need to pack all this stuff?" You think to yourself.

"Madam, are you ready to go?" The coachman asks.

"Almost, just let me say goodbye again." You walk as fast as you can in a dress, over to your parents.

"I know you don't want to do this. But remember, you'll be back soon." Your mom coos you. You know she is right, but you still hate this.

Your dad walks up to you. "You know we are going to miss you..."

"And worry yourself to death." You joke. "You and mom"

"and that is why we got you this." Your dad hands you a package. "Now, don't open it yet." You hug your parents, and get in the carriage, waving your world goodbye.

*Time Skip*

You are sitting in the carriage, watching the world go by you. "I should probably open that gift." You grab the package, and start to unwrap it. Inside, their is a dagger, wrapped in a (F/C) ribbon.

"they probably got this because of the sighting a few nights ago. im not going to need to use this." you tie it around your waist. "Well, you never know."

Hey guys! so sorry, I accidently  deleted chapter 2 and 3, so I am reposting them. Hopefully they will be as close as I can to the original. Thanks for understanding!

Obi x Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now