Chapter 19

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The sun pours into your room, waking you from your sleep. You roll over, trying to hide from the sunlight. Then you hear a knock on your door. "Stupid Obi." You yell at him to go away.

"No way! It's your birthday! And, I am ordered by the second Prince of Clarines himself to keep a close eye on you. So to bad, princess." You groan, and get up and change into a light shirt and pants. You open the door, and glare at Obi.

"Now that isn't a good way to start the day, now is it princess?" You can't help but smile at his silliness. You see the satisfactory look on his face, and playfully smack his arm, and walk past him. You head down to the kitchen, and grab a orange. You head outside, and sit in the grass. Obi sits next to you, and starts munching on a small loaf of bread.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Obi breaks the silence. You think for a moment.

"I don't know. I never did start learning how to fight. We could do that." Obi jumps up.

"Ok! You ready?" You slowly get up.

"Sure. But fair warning, I suck. Remember last time?" Obi chuckles, and walks toward the combat area.
You grab a wooden sword, and feel it's weight. "Woah." You mutter to your self. Obi grabs one, and stands in front of you.

"Ok. First of, be aware of your surroundings. Use it to your advantage. Second, stay light on your feet, and stay balanced. When you are balanced, it is easier to do a counter attack. And remember, stay calm and confident. If your opponent notices your fear, they may turn it a against you and try to trick you into making a fatal mistake. You getting all this?" You nod your head.

"Good. Now let's work on some stances." You practices the stances over and over again. Suddenly your stomach growled, and you blush. Obi laughs and puts his sword away.

"C'mon, let's go get some food. You have definitely improved. You still couldn't beat me though." You roll your eyes, and head to the kitchen. You each make a sandwich, and head out to the grass.

"You didn't seriously do some fancy dinner for me, did you?"

"Of course I Did! It is going to be amazing!" You groan, and Obi laughs.

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