Chapter 5

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Obi is sitting on a castle wall, looking out at the night sky. "Beautiful..."

Suddenly, he sees a shadow on the east wall. "What the... what is that?" He runs after it, deeper into the night and into the thick growth of the trees.

"There they are..." Obi sees it, standing in a clearing. He moves a little closer, then tackles It!

"Hey!" You yell! You are reaching for your dagger, but can't grab it. Their is a large pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist.


"Obi? What are you doing here!?" You question, slightly annoyed.

"Well, I saw someone coming out of the castle, so I followed it, and here I am." He smiles a goofy smile. "What are you doing out here?" He asks, suddenly more serious.

"I-um... I like to sneak out into the woods at night and just lay down and relax. I always feel like I'm stuck inside all the time, so this feels like the only time I can breathe." You kinda just spit out.

"Why do you have to be stuck inside all the time?"

"Well, Adviser Yuuto teaches me all the time, and makes me study all the time. That is the only reason I'm here. It has the best library for me to learn at. And I love learning, I just wish I could get a break now and then."

Obi is now looking curious. "Who is Adviser Yuuto?"

"Oh, he is my uncle. My dad is a trader and he has to supervise the ships and stuff, so he is usually busy. My uncle doesn't like the sea, so he teaches my brothers and I everything we need to know, and more."

"You have brothers?" Obi asks.

"Yeah, two older ones. They are about a year apart. They both travel on my dad's boats, helping him trade. What about You? Who is your family?"

Your question catches Obi off guard. "Well, I kinda keep my past a secret. Come on, we better get back to the castle, it's late."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this far and for all the support! In hope you are liking the chapters! If you have any advice, please leave them in the comments, I am always looking to improve! Thanks!

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