Chapter 29

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You and Hana step carefully down the stairs. Hana's breathing is a little fast, and you place a reassuring hand on her back.

"It's ok. You are gonna be fine. Don't worry." Hana smiles, and takes a deep breath. You reach the door, and hug Hana. You congratulate her, and walk outside.

The scene was absolutely beautiful. There are Sakura blossoms all over. They snake up in pink flowering vines all around. There are little twinkling lights, and everything smells sweet. You see your brother standing under a arch with the Sakura flowers all over it. The sun is behind him, and you know that when Hana stands there, she will be glowing.

You walk over to the right of the arch, and stand in your spot. You see Obi sitting in the audience. You give him a little wave. He turns pink, and turns away after a little wave back. You blush darker then all the flowers around you.

You see the little ring bearer, one of Hana's cousins, running around with the flower girl. Then their parents settling them down, and reminding them what to do. You look all around, and make sure everything is ok. You take a deep breath, and hear the music start.

Time skip till after the wedding at the reception

Everyone congadualte Hana and Ruto. They look so happy and cute together. They have their first dance. Ruto spinning Hana, and Hana lovestruck. A perfect match.

You sit at one of the tables, talking with your parents and Obi.

"So Obi, how did you save Kashiya from Aaden and Hebi?" Your father says, wiping his mouth with A napkin.

Obi sits up a little straighter. "Well, it really was (Y/N). When I found her, she had all ready escaped and was heading back to the castle. I didn't really do anything."

Your mother looks at Obi with a confused look. "But I heard you injured yourself? If you didn't do much, how did you get hurt?"

Obi pulls his shirt up, just a little, to show the bandaid. "Well, when we got to the castle gates, Hebi tried escaping. He cut my side, but I cut his ankle."

You wince at the memory. The horrid look of the crimson blood spilling out of Obi's side. The fear you felt that obi would be hurt.

"And you came to the wedding anyway? What about any pain you would feel?" Your mother shoots questions with a curious look on her face.

Obi shrugs. "Well, it didn't hurt that bad. And I have had way worse. I don't care if I get hurt anyway. It's just another scar.  Big deal."

At this you were done. You ask to be exscused. You get up, and walk away from the light and excitement.

Obi watches as you leave the table, feeling helpless.  He sees your father get up, but obi stops him.

"Please, can I go? I can't help but feel that this is my fault. Please." Your father nods, and Obi thanks him. He runs after you.

He searches throughout the garden, the house, everywhere.  He ask everyone if they have seen you.

"How come the one time I really need my hunting skills, they don't help."

Obi walks around more, still trying to find you. He sees the forest, and enters the dark grove. Obi wanders around for a couple of minutes, until he sees a (F/C) dress flowing in a tree.

"(Y/N)?" You hear your name being called by the one person you don't want to see.

"What do you want Obi?" You say bitterly.

"Woah, what's wrong?" Obi climbs into the tree next to You. You turn away from him.

"Why do you care?" You spit venom at him, hoping he will leave.

He leans forward, trying to look at you. "Man, why does he have to be so cute."

"I want to know because I don't want to hurt You." Obi still is trying to twist and see you.

"That's the exact thing! You keep saying you don't care if you get hurt! I care! I don't want you getting hurt!" You mutter under your breath. "I care too much about you."

Obi grabs both of your hands, and looks at you straight in your eyes. He leans forward, and whispers to you.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I didn't realize you cared so much. I cared so much about protecting you, I didn't think about myself."

Your heart flutters at those words. Instantly, you forgive him. You want to stay mad at him, but you can't. His words chill your skin, but wrap you in a warm blanket at the same time in a weird way. Your breathing gets fast, but you feel it is hard to breathe.

He leans even closer. You feel his breath on your skin. Your face heats up a million shades red.  Your breathing becomes an even bigger mess. You see his yellow topaz eyes getting closer to yours; The cat eyes slowly closing as they got closer to your face. Your brown eyes are wide open.

You feel his soft lips touch your cheek. 

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