Part 3

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A week later I haven't talked to Bec, but she has been trying to call me. I decided I was gonna finally talk to her and see what she has to say, so I answered her call.

You:What is it? (I say irritated)

Bec:Listen Naomi, I'm sorry for the way I acted last week. I didn't mean for it to go that far.

You:Why do you treat me like that?

Bec:I don't know...I guess it's because my life is messed up and I'm just jealous of yours.

You:Bec iv known you for a year now and I never knew that.

Bec:I know, I'm sorry and I listened to that band that you love.

You:Really? What do you think of them?

Bec:They were amazing, I can't believe I ever doubted them.

You:Well, I'm glad you like them but I have to do some homework, let me call you back.

Bec:Alright bye.

I hung up. Wow that was new of Bec.

The next day, I got up and got into the shower, afterwards I got dressed ( and headed off to school. When I got there, people like they usually do, give me dirty looks and whispering to each other, but all I do is ignore them because they aren't important. Finally the day was over.

When I got home, I dropped my bag on the side of my couch and sat at my computer. I looked at my email and saw that I had a new message. I looked at it and it said,

Dear Naomi, We regret to inform you but you have lost the BTR contest.

I cried after I read that. Even though I knew I wasn't gonna meet them, I thought I actually had a chance. I went to my room, changed into my pjs and cryed myself to sleep. I knew this would happen. The next day was a Thursday and I didn't want to go to school depressed so I decided not to go, I didn't really have anything to do though. I went down stairs still in my pjs and turned on the tv. There was something going on about the contest and even though I lost, I wanted to see who won. Carlos was talking.

Carlos:There have been some changes in the contest. Since the winner didn't claim the prize we will go to our next winner who entered, her name is Naomi Lewis!

I pretty much fell off the couch when I heard my name being called by Carlos.

Carlos:Naomi will be the the lucky person to fly out here to L.A. with a friend and get to see us in a private concert. You have 24 hours to claim this prize.

I jumped up, went to my computer and quickly claimed the prize. I was so excited, I couldn't believe I won.......

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