Part 7

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I went to the lobby and ask the person at the desk, was there a clothes shop anywhere near here and he told me that there was a shop inside the hotel so I went inside and spoiled myself for an hour. When I looked at the clock it was 9pm and I left at 8 so now I had 30 minutes to get ready. I went up to my room and got into the shower. Afterwards, I got dressed ( and let my black/blond hair fall naturally. I grabbed my purse and a knock came at my door. I opened it and there stood James in a tux and looking sexier than ever.

James:Wow you look amazing.

You:Thanks. You do to. (I say moving my hair behind my ear)

James:Come on, lets go.

We linked arm and arm and walked to this restaurant that was in the hotel and sat down and ordered.

You:So James, I am super nervous right now and um I want to let you know I am also super excited.

James:Why are you nervous? (He asked while smiling)

You:Because your James freaking Maslow of my favorite band and my favorite person why wouldn't I be?

James:Well I'll teach you how to calm your nerves around me.

I didn't know what to say to that, he was being really sweet right now.

You:So um I would also like to tell you thanks for the credit card you sent me.

He looked at me confused.

James:Credit card? What are you talking about?

You:Uh....uh this hotel worker came up to my door and gave me a credit card and I assume it was from you.

James:Really? Well I didn't send it.

Wait. If he didn't send it, who did? I was getting confused. Why would anybody in their right mind give me this much money? I thought to myself.

You:Oh, I'm sorry.

James:It's ok, so tell me, how old are you?

You:Well I'm 21 years old. Never been to a concert not even you guys because I never had that type of money to come and see you guys.

James:Oh well I'm sorry to hear that but when you see our concert tomorrow your gonna love it.

You:I guarantee it. (I say smiling)

We spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing and gosh I love this guy more than anything. It was around midnight when he walked me back to my hotel room.

You:Well that was amazing and I didn't mean to keep you up the night before you perform to me.

James:Oh stop it, if I get the chance to be with you then nothing else in the world would matter.

Wow, that was too sweet of him. Before I even noticed it, his body was touching mine and his face was so close to mine I could feel his breath hitting my lips. I was so tempted to kiss him, I did it without thinking. I forced my lips on his and started to make out with him. I'm not gonna lie, I wanted him and I wanted him bad. But I pulled away and he looked surprised.

You:I......I....I'm sorry.

Was the last thing I said before quickly going inside the room and shutting the door behind me without looking back at him........

Is This A Dream Or Reality? (A James Maslow Story)Where stories live. Discover now