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Third POV

(Far away from the Busan)

"Oh dear lord, now what," a young gentleman busy scribbling on a clean paper without any lines presence. Such a glorious penmanship that only a handful numbers of people able to stroke that way. Even if he was in a hurry, he never miss an alignment within the statements formed. It is stacked properly and can be readable from afar.

He took a quite look to his work, angles to the right and squinted as he read silently what he put in there. He was sort of satisfied, but part of him, neglected to it. When will he succeed with his paperwork once again?

"I can't do this, what if I failed to be notice again? When will I find my brothers?!" He yanked to the midst of visible smoke in front of him, which shone against the refraction of the window across him. Revealing a human formed just how the gas compiled that made it looked like one of the body figures.

"You will, soon, and I can tell they will find you" somehow distorted voice echoing along the lodge, "What about the other one, is he even lost?" A worried tone expressed from his mouth and concerning eyes locked on the smoke.

"He isn't, he know what he is looking for," "Our brother?" "No," the man squinted, willingly to listen another phrase after answering his queue.

"He will find the source instead," immediately the smoke scattered away as it turned out to become spreading dust from an old place he had been. His wandering eyes to the ground, weakened his body from the news he heard from the air. He couldn't have believe what the smoke said to him.

"How come he is sure that the person is a source," he mumbled to himself, "Or maybe..." He lifted his chin with a grumpy face presents and stood proudly.

"I should start looking the both of them," he grabbed the papers, pens, books and a necklace. Sprinting off the old house and hopped on his vehicle. He even though aware that he was the weakest one that can sense people he could recognize them. He grasped the steering wheel and took a deep breath as he stomped the accelerator to start driving.

"Where should I start heading at?"


A bang yelped echoing back from the library itself. Actually, two of them were inside of the quiet place they're quite be sensitive on making any slight of noise there. Although, it's Sunday, and that makes her carelessly being her own out of the locked cage.

The usual person on the counter, flinches yet disturbed his dearest voice when he was listening a song. He could have curse her, but knowing that her brother was one of his schoolmates since elemetary, he avoided instead.

They knew each other pretty well, they even made themselves as soul mates. Once they finished college, they have their own lives apart. Both of them promised if they meet again, they would have a plan to spend together one whole day.

"I'm joining in," Yeekyu pacing her footsteps closer to Minki. "Searching for the demigods! What else? I have found a recruit!" He gave small wave as he grinned cheekily. Minki rather gasped from what he just seen in front of him. "An infamous photographer who keeps updating such simplicity of any objects you've ever passed by?!" He proclaimed.

Daniel sparkled a bit and gave nod as an answer. "Oh my, Yeekyu, how come your so lucky to drag him here?! You have no idea, he have a lot of followers and this might be causing controversies or something!" Minki was feeling concerned that he might tagged along the issue.

"Oh no, sir, I have securities around, so no need to be worried about," He clarified which Minki took a deep breath. "Okay, say you want him to join then? I have certain members want to come along too, mostly at the school," He conversed first.

"Well we've been there already," she spoke after. "Strangely, I got this letter to apply on joining along. Double it, he came from the prison," Yeekyu and Daniel exchanged looks to each other. It would probably older than one of them as they thought.

"He'll be out tomorrow, he even send an address to check him out?!" He showed the address to them. "Funny, that place seems I'd been already," Daniel said. "How?" She was curious how come he could be related to this coincidentally?

"An anonymous fan that gave a present, no, actually left a present on exactly that address. Once I drove there, I don't know why but I got goosebumps when I arrived there," He explained how it happened. Yeekyu asked the reason why he got scared there.

"It looks an abandoned town to me, I don't see any people passing by, nor cars are parked. So I doubt if this address could be a prank or something but-" "then what did you receive?" She cut his sentence.

He showed his camera and a case as a set itself. So that means it's his fan afterall, but who? Why would it be that place? Where does he live? How come he got expensive ones if this guy said to be at the prison? Is he old?

"Let's ride on my motor, Yeekyu," he informed. She nodded as her reply. After they told Minki to join on searching the Demigods, they have another mission to do. To gain enough recruits so that their possibilities on scouting will rather excellently be high.

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