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Ruki got up from his desk and walked out of his office.  He walked into the big lab room, with the bed and equipment sitting in the middle of the room, under the lamp shade.  The dim light once again, swung gently over the bed, turned on for the moment. Azusa wasn't in the room at the time. He was too busy back and forth from the lab to the front desk, searching up how to track down Sam and the Sakamaki's.  Kou was sitting over at the sink, cleaning equipment from their last experament.  He was now on the drying stage, making room for another big beaker, that was full of blood from their last patient.  Yuma was in the spare bedroom that Sam was in, as he cleaned the bed, and put on fresh new sheets, then went to do the dirty landry.  The whole lab was quiet as all of them was hard at work.  The moon was shining through the opened window on the opposite side of the room.  The cold night air, blew into the room, letting a cool breese in and giving fresh air. It was a silent night, except for the clanking sound of metal against glass, as Kou continued cleaning.

The door to Ruki's office opened up, as Ruki walked out taking a sigh.  He placed his hand on his forhead as he thought, trying to get the frustration to go away.  Kou whipped around almost dropping a beaker onto the floor.  "You seemed frustraited there Ruki" Kou said, trying to show some sympathy for his older brother.  Ruki finished walking into the room, as he sighed, and sat on the bed. "I'm just thinking about where Sam could be hiding.  Hope Azusa is figuring something out" he said, as he walked up and went to where Kou was.  Kou huffed, as he put a beaker back in the cubbord and shut the door.  Ruki put his hand on the head of the bed, as he thought to himself.  He sighed before he spoke again. "If only, we had her right now.  We would still have work to do" Ruki said, as he thought to himself.    Kou sighed as he turned to Ruki, then went to focus on drying the equpment he just cleaned.  "How far along do you think she's at with the change?" he asked, trying to think of a plan.  Ruki sighed as he shook his head. "I dunno.  Depends on how much blood their letting her have.  Or how much she's forcing herself to drink.  Now that Yui's gone, she's been having trouble" he said, as he walked over to the sink. He saw nothing but a half sink, full of soapy water and blood combined with the bubbles.  Ruki stared at the blood, as he thought to himself.  

His eyes widdened, as he thought some more. "Hey Kou, did we have any of her blood left?" he asked, curious on his plan.  Kou looked up as he put his beaker away. "Sam's or Yui's?" Kou asked, as he shut the door to the cabinet.  He walked over to the sink, as he continued to dry.  Ruki was hesitant about the answer. Finally, he spoke with a sigh.  "Sam's" he said, as he looked up at his younger brother.  Kou stopped as he looked at Ruki and thought, trying to remember. He held the towel in one hand, as he rested the other on the side of the sink, thinking to himself.    "I dunno.  Yuma was doing something with it last.  He took it out of the lab, and hasn't returned since."  Ruki sighed as he closed his eyes, then walked towards the entrance to the lab.  "I'm going to check on things.  Keep up the good work" he said, as he walked out of the room, letting the door shut behind him.

He walked down the halls, looking in every room for Yuma, but he couldn't find him anywhere.  He decited to walk into the other part of the hospital. It was the part that the Sakamaki's roamed and worked, but now it stayed dimed lit and silent. He walked out the door to the lobby and walked up to the desk.  Cordelia was sitting there, typing on the computer in front of her, getting into what she was working on.  The phone's were silent at the moment, and the Loby was still covered in blood, but silent.  Ruki walked up to Cordelia's desk, as he put his arms on the top.  "Hello, sorry to be a bother, but do you know where the Sakamaki's went to?"  Ruki asked, trying to sound like he needed a favor.  Cordelia stayed silent as she typed on her computer, then stopped.  "Hold on" she said as she grabbed the mouse and clicked on a few things that sat on the screen.  It took her a moment to look, but then she finally found what she was looking for.  "Ok" she said with a sigh, as she clicked on a few things.  She sat to look at the screen with confusion planted on her face.  She didn't quite understand what she saw, or what the screen was telling her.  "Huh, it said that she was with you, waiting for further research.  But the last time I saw her, she was with Kanato.  I don't know anything else from there" she said, with a sigh.  After she spoke, she clicked off the computer and looked back to Ruki. "Sorry, I don't know what else happend from that point on" she said, placing her hands back on her desk.  Ruki huffed as he calmed himself down, thinking of a different plan to go by.  "Alright, thank you. Sorry for taking your time away" he said, as he started to walk through the door.

He walked down the hall a bit, then took a left into a small fileing room.  The room was a tiny room, that was full of files on different patents that was checked into the hospital.  The files stayed in the fileing room until the patent died.  Ruki walked into the draw that was filed J-L in the little square mounted on top of the handle.  He pulled on the handle, as he started to shuffle through the draw. "Komori, Sam" he said to himself, as he looked through the files.  Finally, he stopped as he came towards the one he was looking for. He pulled out the file with a sigh of relief, knowing what he needed to do from that point on. "Ok" he said, as he opened the file and stared at it in confusion.  He was shocked to see the entire file empty, with no papers in it what so ever.  He squinted with hatred, as he shut the file and put it back into the draw.  "Only him. Or maybe it was Shu" Ruki said, as he looked for Yui's folder. Once again, he found nothing in the draw.  Ruki huffed as he shut the file draw and walked back out towards the front.  Once again, he stopped at Cordelia's desk.

"Where did you put the paperwork for Sam and Yui Kormori?" Ruki asked, once again stopping Cordelia in her work.  "Oh the papers?" she said, as she sat there to think.  Finally, she shook her head. "I dunno.  I think Shu took them both.  I went into their files and the papers were gone."  Ruki sighed as he slapped the counter. "And they went home for something, taking her with them" he said, talking more to himself than the secretary.  He sat there in thought.  Cordelia looked up at him as he stopped.  "I'm not alloud to go in their house.  Reiji's son would have a fit."  Ruki eyed her from the side of him. "Which one? He has two" he asked, getting even more angry.  "Jackson is just like his father only worse.  We shouldn't trust him" Cordelia said, as she sat back.  Ruki smiled as he nodded. "So I guess we wait.  Maybe go home as well" Ruki said, with a smerk on his face.

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