Chapter 10

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For once I slept better than ever, ever since I went to the Dark Clinic.  I slept completely through the day, even though the sun was in my face all day.  I kept my breathing light as I relaxed, letting my face soak in the sunshine, even though it distracted me from having any dreams.   I lied on my back as I had my face towards the sun.  I could hear movement throught the rooms, knowing that it must've just been Chloe and Payton getting ready for whatever we're doing tonight.  I took a deep breath as I sighed, and started to wake up more.  I opened my eyes, seeing the orange gaze starting to lower down and turn back into the night, rising the moon high in the sun's place.  I took a stretch and yawned, pulling all the mussles in my sholders as my wake up routine. I sat up on the bench, as I got off, feeling refreshed more, with a bit of thirst crawling onto me.  I stretched again, as I heard the water running in both the shower and bathroom stalls.  I heard a door opened in the other stall, as water rushed into the sink, then shut off.

A deep sigh followed by Payton's voice.  "There, now I'm ready" she said, as she walked out of the stall.  She wore a dark red, low cut V-neck with a black tanktop underneath.  She wore short black shorts with a pair of dress boots. The boots were black with red gems outlineing every seam.  Her hair was up in a ponytail, but low enougn so I couldn't see her neck. She turned towards me with a big welcomeing smile.  "Good morning, Sam. I guess you were tired this morning" she said, brighting up the mood a bit. I nodded as I yawned again, then spoke. "Morning.  So, I'm guessing that Chloe is in the shower?" I asked, still hearing the water running.  Payton looked over at the door as she sighed. "Yeah, she might be in for a while.  She just jumped in."  I nodded as I rubbed my eye in tiredness.  Payton looked at me, then down at my clothes.  "You must want to take a shower, I don't know when you took it last" she said, but looked at me in worry.  "Sam, are you ok?" she asked, as she studied me.  Once she asked me the question, I started to feel sick, like when I was puking up my own blood.  The taste of iron flown through my taste buds, making me a little thirsty.  I bend over to look at the floor as I spoke.  "I" I said, but it was the only thing I said, before my coughing fit.  "Oh alright, come on" Payton said as she helped me off the bench, and headed into the bathroom and one of the stalls.

I knelt over as I puked up some blood, staining the water red.  The blood was lighter than the last time this happened, so I knew I must be getting better.  Payton stayed by my side as she faced the doorway.  The shower turned off and the sound of a towl was pulled off a rack. "Chloe, you almost done in there? I could use some assistance" Payton yelled as she turned back to me.  "Your going to be ok Sam, this just happens" she said, knowing what to do.  It was a bit easier with Payton and Chloe, seeing how they were just the same as me.  Shortly after, Chloe came in with a dark blue shirt and black skinny jeans, with red rips through them. She wore red hiking boots with white laces "Need blood?" she asked, as Payton nodded. Chloe exited the room and a door to one of the lockers creeked.  The sound of it slamming echoed through my head, as footsteps ran into the room.  "Here" Chloe said as she handed me a bag of blood.  I reached for the bg as I lost my sence to control my hand.  It slammed onto the floor as I started to cough even more.  "I think we might have to force it.  Hold the bag for a minute" Payton said as she helped me lean up against the wall.  Memories of back at the Sakamaki's rushed through my mind, as well from back at the clinic.  Payton took the bag from Chloe as she found the rip, and put it into my mouth. "Ok, drink this" she said, pushing the bag, as the sweet taste of blood rushed into my mouth once more.  I found my strength and grabbed hold of the bag, as I squeezed it and finished it.  I pulled the bag from my mouth as I sighed.  "Thanks, for the blood. I didn't know you kept bags in the lockers" I said, as I got back up from the toilet.  Payton took the bag and threw it away as Chloe spoke. "No problem, we always keep bags with us."  Payton sighed as she spoke when Chloe finished.  "Alright, if you feel better let's go.  Knowing Draven, he'll come up and crack the door, see if we're not dead" she said, as we headed out of the room, and down the stairs. Each of us had a bag full of clothes and blood around our sholders.

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