Chapter 2

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I followed Subaru as we walked into the dining room on the opposite side of the mansion.  Yui's former doctor, Shu was sitting at one of the ends of the table.  He was resting in the back, a little slouched, with his headphones in and his eyes shut.   Kanato was in the chair next to him on the right, clenching his teddy close to his chest.  Next to him was where Ayato sat, getting ready for breakfast to come. On the other side of the table, across from Ayato was Laito.  Laito pulled out his chair as he sat down, then put his hands together, waiting for breakfast to arrive.  "Morning everyone" Jackson said as he walked into the room, and joined us in the dinning room.  Shu looked up as he sighed. "Morning Jack" he said in a tiresome voice, not opening his eyes, or pulling out an earbud.  Jackson nodded towards him. "Moring Uncle Shu" he said, as he walked up next to me.  He tapped on my shoulder to get my attention.  "Oh, morning" I said, shocked that he did it.  He smiled his good morning smile as he nodded. "Morning Sam. You weren't feeling good this morning?" he asked, with worry in his voice.  I shook my head, as I spoke.  "No, I got sick this morning, again" I said with a sigh.  His mood got more down as he spoke.  "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.  Your still having a hard time with taking blood?" he asked, as he got talking about it more.  I sighed as I nodded. "Yeah, keep having thoughts and that's what's stopping me. But I think I'm fine now" I said, with a slight smile.  Jackson smiled back, as he spoke. "Oh, well I'm glad your doing better now.  Well, shall we sit? Father will have a fit if I'm not sitting at the table by the time he comes" he said, as he pulled out a chair.  I pulled out the one next to him, as I sat down, getting ready to eat.

The table was filled with a coffee roll, muffins and different kinds of breakfast foods.  Each of our glasses were filled to the rim with blood.  A plate and a napkin of silverware sat at each of the seats, neatly wrapped in a bundle, just like a fancy restraint.  Reiji sighed as he entered the room, with Axel prancing behind him.  Reiji took his spot as he sighed.  "Alright, dig in" he said, as we started at the plates of food.  Axel walked over to the dog bowl, as he started to chow down on the scraps from last night.  They didn't feed him actual dog food, seeing how he was originally a vampire.  Reiji said that he never liked it.   I filled my plate as I slowly ate, trying not to get sick again.  I felt both Reiji and Subaru watching me from their spots at the table.  I picked at an egg that was on my plate, as I picked up my glass, and took a sip.  I felt ok at the moment, seeing that I was eating a little slower than usual. I took another big sip, as I realized what it was. Blood.  "I just had blood, why did they want me to take more?" I thought to myself as I put the glass down.  "Was having two glasses of blood a good thing in the morning?" I picked at my food again as I notice Shu looking at me.  "Something wrong?" I asked him, as I took another bite of the egg. Shu didn't say anything at first, just continued to stare.  Finally he spoke, as he put his head down.  

"Your still looking pale at the moment" he said, as he turned to Reiji.  "Did you give her enough blood this morning?" he asked, sounding a little demanding.  Reiji sighed as he looked over at me. "If she sips on the glass she will be.  And Sam, please don't fight it" Reiji said, the last part referring more to me.  I nodded as I sat there in silence. I took another bite of the egg, as a wave of sickness rushed through me. I decided just to focus on taking the blood, which took it away.  I don't know why I was feeling this sick.  I already had a full glass of blood, and I'm now having another. I looked at my skin seeing it look it's usual color, and not pale.  That was the sigh that I had enough blood in me.   Ever since I was in the lab back at the Dark Clinic, I've been having some hard times with blood and different kinds of food.  The last thing I knew, Ruki was taking blood and doing something with it.  But there was something I wondered once I passed out.  "Did they mess with my blood somehow" I thought to myself, as a voice spoke in my head.  "Sam....Sam" the voice said faintly.  The voice sounded a lot like Ruki's voice, as it boomed in my head.  "Sam, we still have work to do" it said, now haunting my mind.  My eyes widened as I shook my head, getting the voice out of my head.

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