Chapter 8

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I ran right outside the house, with no one stopping me in my way.  I slowed right when I got to the fountain in the middle of the yard which was still flowing with water.  It was silent, except for the fountain, which splashed a drop of water on me once and a while.  The moon shined in the sky, all over the yard and brighting up the night.  It was a clear night as well, no clouds were in sight.  The wind was a little cold, but not much, making it a nice night to make an escape.  I turned around to look at the mantion once more, as I noticed Shu watching me at the top left window of the house.  I think it was the window in his room, which was across from mine.  I eyed Shu as he sat there in the window cill.  His jacket was hung over his sholders, but didn't have his arms in it.  He crossed his arms around his chest, holding what looked like a syringe in his hand.  He watched me with a disappointing look on his face.  My anger grew within me, as I turned around to watch him, feeling the thirst growing within me.   He didn't move or anything, he just sat there watching me from inside the window.  I completely turned around to look at him, getting even more angry with him.  The last thing I saw was him watching me with hatred in his eyes.  "Was he watching to see if I actually was going to make a run for it?" I thought to myself as I just watched him for a moment.  Finally, I decited to lick my upper lip, turn around and make a run for it.  

I just got past the gate and into the driveway, starting to run down the driveway and into the woods, as I ran into someone.  I backed up quickly, as the figure grabbed my wrist, stopping me from running. I looked up seeing Shu standing there, with my wrist in one hand, and the Syringe with the stuff they put me asleep with in his other hand.  I pulled and pulled to get my wrist back, but his grip tightened when I went to try.  "So, you tried to run? I knew it" he said, as he shut his eyes, still keeping his grip on the syringe.  I pulled and pulled as I finally spoke with anger. "Why did you do that to Yui?" I asked him, getting angry with him.  Shu looked up at me as he cracked a smile, and looked back down.  "We thought you would want to see her again.  Also, Kanato collects dolls, and he was ready for a new one.  He's taking good care of Yui's body.  You on the other hand, we can't truly kill you" he said, as he looked back at me.  I pulled and pulled, but he didn't let go.  I could smell the blood within him, which got me thirsty, and that's when I knodest the syringe again.  "I'm guessing that you'll put me asleep if I bite you?" I asked him, getting his attention again.  Shu smiled as his blue eyes, glowed into a brighter blue, which I found haunting.  He cracked a evil grin as he lifted the Syringe up in the air.  "Hope you have a very good sleep. I'll see you in the morning" he said, as he almost jabbed me with the syringe, but he stopped in mid motion.  I looked at him confused as he started to flinch, then he dropped the syringe, as it crashed into the ground, shattering into tons of pieces.

Shu's body fell as it crashed into the ground, with his eyes still open.  He started to breath lightly, as he closed and reopened his eyes.  I followed Shu's gase seeing none other than Draven, as he licked his lips of Shu's blood.  "I like your blood better than my own family" he said to Shu, that was still on the ground.  I looked at Draven as he looked at me, his blue eyes growing darker to blend into the night.  "You ok?  Did he jab you?" he asked, checking me over for needle marks. I shook my head with fear as I spoke. "No.  Almost" I said, as I heard the door open from the house.  "Oh man.  Come quickly" Draven said, as a hand grabbed my wrist and we ran behind one of the trees off in the distance.  He chucked me behind a bush, as he jumped next to me. "Stay down" he said, pushing my head low to the ground, keeping me out of sight. I stayed there with fear in my eyes.  I tried to push up, but Draven kept me down.  "What's going" I started to say, but movement shifted quietly in the bushes, and Draven covered my mouth. "Shh. Keep it down if you don't want to be put asleep" he said, as my eyes widened.  I sat there in fear as I thought to myself.  "He wouldn't."  Silence filled the air, as the sound of the front door opened.  Draven quickly lowered to my level, as he pressed a finger against his lips to keep me from talking.

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