Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes slowly as I moaned awake.  I awoke in my room, with the door shut and the lights dimmed a bit.  Everything looked a little on the dark side, seeing that only the lamp by the bed was the only light on in the room. I felt stronger than I was before which got me confused. "Did they find a way to get me to keep blood down?" I wondered as I moaned awake even more. I found myself lying in my bed, with a needle and tube in my arm.  The tube ran across to the headboard where a bag of blood hung on a hook, dripping into my body.  I didn't feel sick at the moment, which caught my attention to wake up more.  "Did they finally found a way to keep blood in me?" I thought to myself, as I heard a voice out in the hallway.  "She seems to be doing better, but I don't know what we gave her to make her this sick?" Reiji's voice spoke through the door.  He sounded more worried than at breakfast.  I shifted my head as I moved my right arm up, and rubbed my head.  I looked at my arm, looking more like myself, and not so pale than at breakfast.  The room was silent, except for the clanking of metal when I moved, and the voices outside the door.  The hallway was silent as Shu's voice spoke next.  "Could it be what they gave her in the lab?" Shu asked, like he was trying to think.  A sigh came from Reiji next.  "No, I gotten everything fixed when we first brought her home."    I looked at the door as I heard the conversation even more.    "But didn't Axel say that Kou was about to put something in her?" Shu said, as something hit the wall.  "He was about to, but Axel said he stopped him before he did anything" Reiji replied with.

I moaned as the door opened, as Subaru walked into the room.  Subaru closed the door with a sigh, carying another cup of blood, and an empty bag.  He placed the blood on the desk, as he threw the bag on the chair, in front of the bed.  He took a sigh as he walked over to the bed, and sat on a stool. "How you feeling?" he asked, as his hand rubbed the side of my head.  I moaned a bit, as I woke myself up even more. "Better" I said, as I looked over at the door.  I felt Subaru's hand rub against my skin as it pulled my attention to him, and not the conversation outside the door.  "Hmm, looks like they didn't put that needle into you.  So what I want to know, is why your not keeping any blood down?" he said, as he sighed, then turned to the door.  He looked at the door for a moment, then huffed.  "Wish your doctor will stop talking to Shu and come help me figure it out" Subaru said, as he looked at the needle. He moved it a bit, as he rested it back on my arm.    "Alright, I think we can try taking this out" he said, as the door opened, and Reiji walked in.  "Don't.  I don't know what we need to do right now" Reiji spoked as he walked into the room.  Subaru got up as Reiji sat in his spot.  He first looked at the needle, as he sighed.  "It's not going down as quickly as it usually does" Reiji said, with a worried tone in his voice. He put the needle down, as he turned to look at the desk filled with things that Subaru brought in.

"Can you bring the gause and a piece of tape?" Reiji asked, as Subaru turned to do what he was told to do.  He put a piece of the clear tape on his index finger, as he folded a piece of gause into a square, holding it in the same hand.  Reiji turned towards me, as he clenched the syringe that was in my arm.  "Alright Sam, this might hurt a little" he said, as he started to slowly pull the needle out.  I flinched in pain, as a scream was released from my mouth.  The needle slowly was lifted out of my skin, making me lunge up, while a wave of nausea grew in my stomach.    Reiji place a hand on my chest, as he pushed me back down on the pillow.  He took the square from Subaru, as he placed it on the bleeding dot from where the needle was.  Then he took the tape and placed it tightly around the square, holding it on my arm.  "Ok so that didn't work" Reiji said, as he looked back at the desk.  "Subaru, can you fill the glass up with blood?  I want to see if she's going to keep it down this time" Reiji said, as he looked back at me.  I sat there, as I slowly closed my eyes and opened them back up.  The memories of the Dark Clinic came back to me, right when I first was in the room, where I met Subaru for the first time.  The only difference from then was I didn't fight them this time.  Whatever they did to me then, put me under their control almost.  It was either that, or I grew trust for all of them.  Subaru brought a cup full of blood, and gave it to Reiji.  My eyes went huge as I thought. "Another glass of blood? What are they trying to do?" I thought to myself as Reiji brought his arm under my sholders, lifting me up from the bed. "Alright, try to keep this down.  Please don't fight me" he said as he brought the blood to my mouth, forcing the liquid into my mouth.  Once again, it poured down my throat, making me taste iron, and not that sweet this time.

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