Chapter 7

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I sat in my bedroom, over at the window seat and looking out the window as I thought.  I could sence the cool breese through the window, as it brushed against my skin and helping me relax.  I sighed as I looked around the yard.  Everything was the same, except the lighting of the moon got brighter.  The water fountain  sat in the middle of the parking lot, as it poured out water into the bowl at the bottom. The limo was behind the gate, parked from when we came back home from the clinic.  It never moved at all, seeing how none of us went anywhere.  Even Jackson hasn't  gone to school in a while.  It was like we were on lockdown because of Draven, and whoever was working along side of him.  I rested my head on the sill of the window, as I thought about Yui.  "Why did this have to happen Yui?  You should've just killed me while we were home" I said to myself, as I looked down out the window.  I looked up at the door in fear as someone knocked on the doorway. "Sam, it's me" Kanato said, as he stopped knocking.  "Come in" I said, as he did the command.

He walked into the room, with his teddy clenched to his chest.  He had a smile on his face as he tilted his head, and spoke.  "Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to check up on you.  You haven't been out in a while, so I got a little worried"  he said, with sympathy in his voice.  I looked at him, as I studied his eyes.  Faces can say one thing, but the eyes hold what their really thinking.  I could see in his eyes that he was up to something, and I was about to find out.  "I'm fine. Just up here to clear my head" I said, keeping calm, and my voice down.  Kanato smiled as he led out a little nod.  "Oh,that's good.  Would you come with me outside for a moment?  I want someone to come visit my mother with me" he said, clenching his teddy tightly, and tilting his head to the right.  I sighed as I looked out the window, then back to Kanato.  He stayed in his same pose, waiting for my answer.  I sighed as I took one last glance out the window then got up. "Alright, let's go" I said, as I followed him out of the room, and into the hallway.  I followed him all the way out to the livingroom and heading for the entrance to the house.  Kanato stopped in front of the couch as we glanced at the rest of them.  Everyone else was huddled on the left of the room, playing a game at the table.  Kanato sighed, which got Reiji's attention.  "I'm taking Sam outside for a while, she'll be with me the whole time" he said, as Reiji just watched him.  Reiji then looked over at me as he sighed. "Ok, I guess it would be alright.  Sam, please stay with Kanato, and be good for him" he said with a strict tone in his voice.  I nodded as I spoke. " I will, thanks" I said as I followed Kanato to the front door, then out of the house.

We walked in the back of the house, as the yard turned into a little garden area.  I folowed Kanato as I kept getting this strange feeling like he was up to something.  Kinda like he was testing me, expecting me to react a certant way.  We walked into the garden as he stopped in front of a grave.  I moved next to him as I looked down, seeing a little mound in the dirt, and a gravestone that had the words "Cordelia" on it, in sharp jagged letters.  I looked at the grave, as it lied there, studying the name.  "Who was Cordelia" I wondered, but stayed silent to pay my respect to both Kanato and whoever the woman was.  We both stood there in silence, as I heard Kanato sigh.  "Thank you for coming out here with me, and not fighting about it. You must really trust me right now" he said, breaking the silence.  I looked up at him, seeing him watching the grave, still clenching his teddy to his chest. "Anytime" I said, as I turned to look back at the grave.  I heard him sigh, then he spoke again.  "It's nice that you didn't fight me to stay here.  Your sister used to leave at aquard situations, like this."  I looked back at him, as I replied instantly. "Visiting a love one's grave isn't aquard. It's just what you do to pay your respects to them.  It shows how much you still care about them" I said, looking back at the grave.

Kanato cracked a smile as he chuckled a bit.  "It's nice that you would say that.  Seeing that you don't know what happend to your sister's body after you killed her."  When he mentioned Yui, I looked directly at him in thought. "Did they even burry my sister?" I thought to myself.  I sighed as I looked back down at Cordelia's grave.  I sighed as I broke the silence. "If only I could see her one last time. Or at least visit her grave" I said, with a upsetting tone of voice. Kanato turned to me, as he clenched his teddy tighter.  "I was the one that took care of her after she passed.  I know where her body is being kept.  Would you like to go see her?" he asked, as he turned to me.  I looked at him as I thought about the situation.  "So, she's buried somewhere else?" I asked him, getting him to nod.  "Not quite buried. But Reiji wanted to keep your sister taken care of for you.  And she's being kept somewhere that you can actully see her.  Would you want to visit Yui with me?" he asked, looking at me.   I went to answer but footsteps walked closer towards us.  "Sam, I would like to run a test or two on you" Reiji said, cutting in front of me.  I looked over at him as Kanato sighed.  "I was going to take her to visit Yui.  If you want to bring the test down there, you can do it there" Kanato said, sounding a little more creepier.  Reiji cracked a smile as he nodded.  "That would be good. That way she'll be calmer and we won't have to put her asleep for it" Reiji said, as he turned away from us. "Bring her down when your done Kanato" Reiji said, as he left.  I watched him as I thought of the way they were speaking.  "Their up to something" I thought to myself as I looked back at Cordelia's grave.  "What's going on with you now Yui?" I asked her, but talking to myself again. I looked back up at Kanato as I gave him a nod. "Ok, i'm ready to see Yui" I said, as Kanato's creepy smile retured.  "Perfect.  Follow me" he said, in the creepy voice again, as I followed him back to the house.

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