Chapter 1

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Sam's Pov:

I was sound asleep in my bed, snuggled up in between the matress and the sheets.  The bright moonlight shined in the window, as it shined in my room.  The bright moon glow got me awake right on time  before breakfast was made, or my first cup of blood was ready for me.  It was true that I was a vampire, but I wasn't completley a vampire, never mind a pureblood.  I was in need of blood this morning.  I lied in bed debating weather to sleep longer or go get a glass. It wasn't that I couldn't move or anything, I was just getting a little thirsty, and a little sick.  I opened my eyes, seeing the moonlight shining on the shut off chandelier that hung over my bed, dasling the crystal pieces that made up the display.  The lights on it wasn't on, which ment someone was in here after I fell asleep.  I was up late unpacking and getting myself comfortable in what turned out to be my new home, for now.  Thinking of living here made me come to the realization that I still had things to do at my old home, where I lived with Yui, but I was told it wasn't safe to go home at this point.  That is why I ended up at the Sakamaki's.  All the Sakamaki's were helping me as much as they can, and protecting me from the Mukami's, which still wanted to do experaments on me.  It got me confused about their plan. "What do they want with my blood for?  Did they even wanted to help me, or just use me as their experiment?" I thought to myself as my eyes widdened, and a sickness overwelmed me, making me unconfortable.  I whipped off the covers, as I got up and started to walk out of the door.  I ventured through the hallways as I took a left, trying to remember where the bathroom was, before I woke everyone up.

I caughed and caughed as I slowley looked around the mantion for the bathroom.  Finally I came to a cracked door, showing a yellow room with a tub.  "This is it" I said to myself between caughs as I knocked on the door.  I was going to say hello but I started another coughing attack, almost dropping to my knees in the process.  "Why did it have me Yui?" I asked myself as I slowley creped open the door, and started to walk into the bathroom.  The bathroom was a somewhat small room with a tub, a tolet and a sink, all matching in the clean white color.  I walked in as I searched the room, seeing if it was being used.  "Hello?" I said weakly as I started to cough uncontrollably.  I finished walking to the tolet as I dropped my knees, landing on all  fours in front of it. I couldn't get completley up to it, but I could reach it if I could.  I picked up my hand as I stretched my arm towards it. I almost could touch it, but I ended up collasping to the floor, starting a very bad coughing fit.  I rolled to my side as I coughed, feeling sicker by the moment.  I sat there for a moment, before the blood started comming out, as I emptied it onto the white tile floor.  I went to reach for the tolet to pull me up, but I was too weak to even do that.  I needed another cup of blood, and I needed it fast.  My hand smacked onto the bathroom floor, as I rested my head on the tile.  I was starting to not be able to move any of my limbs.  My skin was becoming paler, the more I coughed up blood.

I felt footsteps walking over to the bathroom door, as a knock came onto the wood, followed by a voice.  "Sam, you alright in there?" Subaru's voice asked, worried and curiously.  I coughed for a moment, as I went to speak.  "Sub" I said, as I started to cough up more of my blood.  The doorhandle giggled as he spoke. "Comming in" he said as he opened the door, and looked into the room.  His face turned a mixture of shocked and worried, as he ran up to me, dropping to his knees. "Sam" he said as he rolled me over to my side, and examined the spot of blood.  I continued to cough, as more came up, making the bathroom floor red in another spot.  "Ok alright" he said, as he helped me to the tolet, and  held my hair back, so I didn't get blood in it.  I felt the air become warm, as the iron taste filled up the room, making me wanting to puke even more.  I leaned over the tolet as some more entured the bowl, first making the water turn red, then darkened it each time I threw up.

I took a little break as a knock came onto the door once again.  "Subaru, what is it?" Reiji said as he walked into the bathroom.  He took one look at me, and he was out the door before Subaru could answer him.  I threw up for the last time, as I sat, holding onto the bowl of the tolet, feeling weaker by the moment.  I did my best to roll to my side, holding my stomach as I rested my head on the cold tile wall.  I coughed again as I spoke to myself, even though Subaru was in the room.  "Why did this happen to me Yui?" I said aloud, as Subaru looked at me.  He brought his hand up to my forehead as he felt it, then felt my cheeks a bit.  "Your looking weaker than ever today, Sammy" he said, sounding worried even more than before.  I closed my eyes and reopened them, seeing my vision  began to blur right in front of me.    I coughed again, as I managed to bring my head up, and started throwing up all over again.  At this point, even the inside of the tolet was turning a dark red, almost black color.  I could hear Subaru huff, as he spoke. "We've should've put some in you during the night" he said, as the door opened, and Reiji's huff entured the room.  "I'll wait until she's done" he said, as a glass hit the counter of the sink.  I held the bowl one last time, as I lost my grip, colaspingto the ground, hitting the floor with a thud, which echoed into the room.

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