Chapter 4

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I awoke to another sickening feeling, like the feeing that I have been having all  along.  I opened my eyes, as they hurt a little bit, but not much.  The room was still dark, just the way Subaru left it after him and Reiji helped me keep the blood down.  The more I lied there, the more I felt like getting sick again.  Quickly, I swung over to sit on the edge of the bed, as I leaned over it and tried to relieve my stomach, which didn't work.  I got up off the bed, as I walked out the door, and headed strait to the bathroom.  I picked up my pace as I turned it into a run, sprinting down the hall, until I stood in front of the bathroom door, which was shut.  Feeling even more sicker than usual, I banged my fist against the door, trying not to puke on the floor.  "What is it?" Shu's tired voice spoke through the door, as the splashing of water broke the silence. "Shu, I think I'm going to be" I said, but I started into a huge coughing fit.  The sound of water draining entered the bathroom, as the door swung open, faster than I could think.  "Go right in" he said, walking out of the bathroom.  "Thank" I said as I started to cough, and collapsed to my knees.  "Sam" Shu said, as he placed a hand on my back, like he was holding me up.  Shu got me back on my feet as he sighed. "Alright, let's get in the bathroom before you throw up" he said, as he helped me walk into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. We walked into the room more as we got closer to the toilet.  Once we were there, Shu gentaly helped lower me down towards it.  It was just in time before a mouthful of blood was into the bowl, coloring the water red.

While this was happening, Shu kept his hand on my back, and me right next to him.  I stopped as I huffed out of breath.  My hands were turning pailer than before, and quicker before we could think.  Movement came into the room as Shu either sighed, or gasped.  "That's a lot there Sam" he said, sounding worried even more than before.  I kept breathing as my hands shook against the bowl of the toilet.  I felt like I couldn't hold onto it anymore.  Shu kept an arm around my back as this was going on.  "It's ok Sam" he said as movement came into the room.  I went back to throwing more of the blood up, as a knock came into the room.  "Is everything ok in there?" Ayato's voice asked through the door.  Shu looked up at the door as he yelled.  "Ayato, go find Reiji. Now and hurry" he yelled, as he kept his hand on my back.  Ayato's footsteps echoed outside of the room, as Ayato ran away from the door.  After I was done throwing up, I lied my head on the toilet, trying to keep from getting worse.

Shu huffed as he turned towards the door, then back at me.  "You feeling alright?" he asked, but I didn't reply.  I slowly looked up at him, seeing his shadow covering me from the light. I looked at his skin, feeling the thirst feeling coming back to me.  I didn't react, seeing how I just puked up more blood, but I kept feeling thirsty.  This strange feeling keeps coming back to me, which made me wonder want Ruki's experiment was. "What was he trying to do?" I thought to myself as I kept my head on the bowl of the toilet.  "Sam? How you feeling?" Shu asked, as he just sat there and watched me.    Footsteps came back as the door opened, followed by Ayato's huff.  "Did you find him?" Shu asked, as he looked up at Ayato.  Ayato shook his head as he spoke out of breath.  "No, I think he went to the Mukami's.  He said that he were going to see what they put in her. And I don't know where Subaru went" he said, as he looked at me.

Shu huffed as he backed away from me, still thinking of what needed to be done next.  "They always leave at the worst times. At least one of them should've stayed here, they know more about this than any of us" he said, as he turned back to me. I looked up at him, as he stood there, watching me.  He shifted to kneel next to me again. "Alright, let's just try to figure this out before anything bad happens" Shu said, as he walked towards the door.  "Did you bring her file in?" he asked Ayato, still sounding like he was in thought.  Ayato shook his head.  "No, I don't know where her file went.  I think it was on the night stand in her room" he said, breaking the short silence.  Shu sighed as he opened the door, and walked out.  "I'm going to find it, hopefully it has something useful.  Don't leave this room, until someone comes" Shu said, as he completely walked out, shutting the door behind him.  I continued to rest my head on the toilet as Ayato sighed.  He turned towards me, as he picked his hand up and placed it on my head.  "It's going to be ok Sam.  We'll figure it out somehow" he said, as he rubbed my head.

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