Chapter 9

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After leaving Yuma's body

Kou walked out into the woods, where we met Yuma, as he looked around. "Yuma?" he called out while he walked along the dirt road, farther away from the Sakamaki mansion.  The more he walked, the more he looked around for sighs of either his brother or the runaways.  He walked slowly along the road, shouting names and looking everywhere.  "Yuma?" Kou shouted, as his voice echoed through the night sky.  After his voice stopped drifting, the air went quiet except for the wind that blown in the direction.  Kou smelt the air that passed as he thought to himself.  A figure jumped out of the trees behind him, as it caught Kou's attention.  "Nothing, Not even traces of Axel" Kou said as he turned towards Subaru.  Subaru sighed as he looked back at the mansion in thought.  He looked up at they sky, as the sun started to peak out behind the night clouds.  The sky started to get a lighter blue, as white- pinkish clouds drifted calmly across the sky.  "Then we lost them.  Did you find fresh footprints or anything? A sent?" Subaru asked, as he turned towards Kou.  Kou shook his head, as he sighed.  "I got nothing" he told Subaru, as the air became silent again.

The wind drifted across the sky, as moaning entered the air.  Subaru and Kou both looked back up as they saw Yuma starting to wake up, and get off the ground.  "Oh, she's going to find herself dead" Yuma said, as he completely got up off the ground, and back on his feet.  Subaru walked up to Yuma as he sighed. "Remember anything from before you passed out?" Subaru siad, as Kou sighed.  "And what happened to you?" Kou asked after Subaru finished.  Yuma rubbed his head ads he looked around.  "Well I had her.  I was going to put her asleep as something bit me" he said, as he woke up more.  Both Kou and Subaru looked at Yuma in confusion.  "What would've bit you?" Subaru asked.  Kou looked at Yuma as he sighed.  "It was probably Draven.  He never listened to us at all."  Yuma sighed as he started right after Kou.  "Draven never liked us and how we were controlling.  Right after he found his girlfriend" he said as he turned to Kou, which had a upsetting look on his face.  Subaru looked back and forth between the two Mukami brothers.  "Draven has a girlfriend?" he asked in shock.  Yuma and Kou nodded as Kou spoke.  "We'll explain when we get back in.  We got to update everyone" he said, as the three went back into the house.

Once they were in the house, they walked back into the living room where everyone was talking about the incident.  They stayed in their usual spots, as they talked amongst one another.  The three walked into the living room which grabbed everyone's attention.  "Well, you find them?" Reiji asked, standing next to Shu with his arms crossed.  Kou shook his head.  "No, they left when Yuma fell asleep" Subaru said as he went over to the window and looked outside.  He huffed with frustration as he stared and listened to the conversation.  "Where's Axel?" Reiji asked, hoping that at least one of his kids stayed home. Yuma shrugged.  "I don't know. I think he joined their side" he siad, as Reiji looked back down.  He huffed as he spoke.  "All of our kids are rebelling against us.  They are in for a big punishment." "But we'll worry about the kids later, the main task is to get Sam back, and continue the experiment" Shu beated him to it, sitting up from his couch.  Ayato crashed in his chair as he spoke.  "And Sam won't come back to us, because of what we did to Yui.  Knowing her, she's just going to keep fighting us, and getting away. This is like what she did at the clinic."  Ruki led out a tiny chuckle. "Yeah, I remember those days.  Couldn't do anything unless she was asleep, then it was work quickly before she woke up."  

The room fell silent as everyone thought.  Kanato hid behind his bear's head as he sighed.  "So, what do we do at this point?" he asked as he looked around.  Shu huffed as he got up off his couch.  "Well, I've got some of Yui's blood left.  I have it kept in my room, hidden from Sam.  Maybe we could do something with it" he said, as he turned towards Reiji. Ruki sighed but spoke before anyone else. "So what your saying  is make a clone Yui.  Then use that to lure Sam to us, enough to get her asleep?"  Shu nodded his answer, confirming that Ruki was right.  Reiji looked up at Shu as he cracked a smile.  "Well, I forgot that you had knowledge in the brain of yours" he said, as he chuckled a bit.  Shu smiled as he got up and walked out of the room.  "I'll get Yui's blood, and we'll start with making the clone" he said, as he left the room to do his task. At that point, the plan was confirmed, and the first step to get Sam to the clinic took place.

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