Chapter 13: A Second Chance

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"Yui" I thought to myself, as I lied on something soft.  I could feel something chucked over my legs keeping my body warm.  It didn't pin me down, but it lied over me and the bed. Something was taped to my arm, and it felt like it jabbed into my skin, with something flowing through it.  I had something cupped to my face as fresh, cool air shot into my nose and mouth.  I heard beeping and the sound of air, enter the room around me.  Movement flew throughout the room as small voices talked.  I couldn't make out what these voices were, but the sounds sounded like the Dark Clinic all over again.  The thought about being at the clinic confused me, not knowing what would happen if either Yui or I went back. "What would I be doing at the clinic?" I thought to myself as I shifted, feeling a needle into my arm move through the tape a bit.  "Is she waking up?" I herd a tiredsome voice speak silently, breaking the silence of the room.  I heard a sigh, as another voice spoke.  "She might, we'll just have to wait and see what happends" another voice spoke, replying to the first. I bent my head down, as I felt the end of a pillow, and then a little drop, meaning they had me resting my head on a pillow.  I lied there, only keeping one thing in my mind.  Yui, where's Yui?

I moaned again, as I started to shift some more, wanting to know what was happening at the moment.  "Yu..i" I said in a very sleepy voice, as I tried to get comfortable, but couldn't. That was my sigh to get up and see what happened.  Aa this was happening, I heard movement as a hand was placed on my shoulder.  "Sam, you waking up?" another tone spoke, as the hand shook my shoulder a bit.  The hand was cold, which meant that it wasn't Yui's.  Plus the voices didn't belong to Yui at all.   I shifted until my head was back on the pillow, and the lighting glared in my eyes, even though they were closed.  "Yui" I said once more, as I started to creek my eyes open, seeing nothing but a light and shadows.  "Sam" a voice said faded as a hand shook my shoulder again.  I moaned as I completely opened my eyes, seeing Reiji, and Shu on both sides of the bed.  A mask was pushing air into me, as I lied in my bed.  Shu just watched me, but Reiji still spoke.  "Sam, can you hear me?" Reiji asked, as I turned my focus onto him. "Rei...ji?" I asked as I looked at him.  He cracked a smile, as he let out a little sigh.  "Morning, sleepy head" he said, with a little smile on his face. I looked up fully at him, seeing his red eyes just glaring at me.  Shu stepped back, as he started to walk towards the door.  "I'll go let everyone know, and I'll bring Yui back" he said, as he opened the door and walked out, letting the door shut silently behind him.  I stared at the door in confusion as Reiji spoke.  "Shu's going to get Yui now.  How you feeling?" he asked, as I looked back up at him again.  "What happened?" I asked, confused on how I ended up here.  Reiji sighed as he placed his hand on my shoulder.  "You drained yourself of blood, and almost died.  We almost lost you" he said, with a sad tone of voice.

I shot up the best that I could, as I looked at him.  "What? I killed myself?" I asked, not really believing that what he was telling me was true.  Reiji nodded, confirming the conversation. "Almost" he said.  I settled back down, as I placed my head back on the pillow, not aloud to believe it, even though it was true.  I took a deep breath, breathing in the oxygen as I closed my eyes, to relax a little bit.  I opened them back up as I looked at the lighting, seeing the same thing.  A knock came on the door as a voice spoke. "Reiji, can I come in?" Subaru asked, as Reiji turned towards the door.  "It's alright. She's awake now" Reiji replied as the door opened.  Subaru walked in as he shut the door and sighed.  He walked up to the bed as he sighed, then looked at me in silence.  "How you feeling?" he finally broke out with.  I looked up at him, as I spoke. "Very tired" I said as I looked up at him.  Subaru cracked a smile as he spoke. "Well, it's better than hearing your about to die" he said, as he huffed in relief.    I went to look up at the ceiling, as Subaru just watched.  "Do you need any blood, Sam?" he asked grabbing my attention.  I shook my head as I spoke. "No, I'm good" I said, as Reiji walked away towards the door.  When he was there, a knock came on the door. "It's me" Yui's voice spoke cheerfully through the door.  Reiji opened the door, letting her walk into the room, as he walked out and shut the door.

"How's Sam?" she asked, as she walked into the room even more.  Subaru backed up as he let us have some time to ourselves. I turned to Yui as she carefully walked up to me.  "How you doing?" she asked me, clenching her dog to her chest.  "So I seen you founded pancake" I said with a smile.  Yui looked at the dog, as she looked up at me. "You know that pancake helped me relieve stress" she said, making it sound like I was picking on her for bringing the dog.  I cracked a smile as I chuckled a bit, knowing that it was just a joke.  "I'm just playing around with you" I said, with a smile on my face.  I saw Yui crack a smile as she sighed.  "I'm glad your still alive" she said, sounding like she was going to cry tears of joy.  I smiled as I started to sit up. "I'm glad that your back alive" I said, making her sigh in happiness.  "Me too" she said, as she held Pancake up against her chest.  The room fell quiet as the air passed through the window, even though it was closed. I could still feel the cool wind passing through the room, cooling the air even more.  I took a deep breath, as I sighed, thinking about home.  I wonder what was going to happen now.  Are we staying with the Sakamaki's, or are we going back home, just like the beginning?  I looked at Yui as I spoke, needing the question out of my mind.  "Yui. Did Reiji say anything about what would happen after I get better? Like where we're ending up?" I asked, just to get it done and over with.  I heard Subaru sigh from the back of the room. I totally forgot he was still in the room with us. "I can answer that" he said, as he walked up to us.  

Our focus went to Subaru as he walked up to the bed again. He pulled up the stool next to him, as he sighed. "You'll both be going back to the mansion with us" he said, as he sat down on the other side of me.  I sighed as I slouched back down in my chair.   Subaru sighed.  "Plus, you'll both be attending school, as well as Jackson."  Yui perked up as she cracked a smile.  "The school there is nice, I've been to it before.  You'll like it" she said, with a excited tone in her voice.  It sounded like she wanted to go back to their house.  I smiled at her, as I lied back down thinking to myself. "Hey Subaru, what happened to the Mukami's?" I asked, curious if they still want me for experiments or not. "Their going to help us.  They didn't come back to the clinic, because they wanted to make sure Draven and his friends got settled in" he said.  I cracked another smile, as I fell back asleep, knowing that life was going to be ok from this point on.  From this point on, our problems was solved, and our lives will go back to being somewhat normal. The only question I had in mind was what would happen next once school started?

Part 3 coming soon.

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