Chapter 12

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We walked into the school and headed strait for the gym.  The hallway was dark with the lighting of the moon shining right into the window's.  I could hear the wind rattle against the roof of the school, making it sound like the whole school was going to lift into the air along with it.  I stopped as I looked back at Yui's locker, seeing it the same as before.  It was full of her books and personal items, that she took to school with her. "Huh, she must've not needed anything out of her locker" I said, as Payton stopped next to me.  I sighed as I started to take things out of her locker.  There was a bag of her clothes, a little purple sweater, with a skirt, and a pair of sneakers.  On top of the clothes, was a brush with a stick of deoderant and a bottle of perfume.  I tied the bag back into a knot as I checked the locker some more for her belongings.  Payton sighed as she spoke. "So your raiting your sister's locker?" she asked, which grabbed my attention. "Well yeah, she must want a change of clothes and a shower, just like I did" I said as I searched the locker more to find nothing else in there. I shut the locker as I turned to her, seeing her smile.  "Come on, she probably needs you" she said, as we started walking to the gym.  The hallways was getting darker more than before, until we got to the gym.  The gym had tons of lights on with sun pouring into the windows and onto the floor.

Yui didn't hessitate as she ran up to me, and rested on my chest while she shook.  I rested my free hand on her head, as I wrapped my other hand around her, feeling her tears drip down on my shirt.  "Sam, I'm scared" she said, with a sob in her voice.  I placed my hand onto her head, feeling a mix of sweat and blood that dried on her.  "It's ok, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Your safe with me" I said with a sigh as I gave her a hug.  "You must want to change into fresh clothes, and get washed up. Don't you" I asked, as she looked up at me.  "Will you come with me?" she asked, giveing me her puppydog eyes.  I nodded, as I smiled up at her.  "Yeah I will. Let's go" I said, as I started to walk with her to the bathroom, as Draven's voice cleared, catching my attention. "Hey, are you going to introduce everyone?" he asked, in a somewhat rude tone.  I eyed him as I sighed. "I'm going to get her settled and taken a shower first.  She just came out of a bad situation.  So i'm going to help her, but when we come out, I will do introductions" I said, as I followed Yui in the women's locker room. "I'm comming too" Payton said, as she gave Draven a kiss on the cheek then followed us.

We walked into the girls locker room as Yui sat there, stairing with surprise on her face.  "This is where we're staying?" she asked, as she looked at me.  I nodded, but Payton spoke before I could. "Us girls have up here, and the boys have down stairs" she said as she gave Yui a smile. Yui sighed as she walked around the locker room, examining it.  I sighed before I spoke. "I know it might not be much, but at least it's something" I said, as I sat down.  Yui turned to me, looking like she was going to cry.  "Aren't we going back home?" she asked, as I sighed.  "We will eventually when it's safe, but for now we got to stay here" I said as she huffed, then looked into the room with the showers.  "Is this the showers?" she asked, not trying to be rude.  I nodded as I cracked a smile. "Yeah, go right on in, and pick a stall" I said, knowing that the other two had the same look.  Yui nodded as she started to walk in. "I'll be quick" she said, as she walked in completely.  "Let me know if you need anything" I yelled as I looked at the other two. Chloe smiled as Payton sighed. "Your sister might be human, but she is sweet" she said, as I smiled at her. "Thanks. She's more girly then me though" I said, with a sigh of relief. Chloe lied down on her bed as she put her hands around her head. "You must've missed her" she said, with a slight yawn.  I followed the yawn, as I drifted off into a night sleep. "Yeah, I" I said as I fell into a deep sleep.

The next day

 I was on the verge of an end of a dream, seeing how I slept like a rock that night.  The dream was a really strange dream, about loosing Yui again. I was at the clinic, in the lab to be specific.  I was strapped down to the table, with needles through my body, some taking out blood, and some putting blood back in me.  A mask that released fresh oxygen was strapped to my face, making it easier for me to breath in and out through the whole process. The monitor showing my heart rate beeped within every bump to let me know that I was still alive.  The room was dark, like a pitch black, even the monitor was black.  I couldn't see anything, even the mask and tube that was attached to my face.  "Where am I?  What's going on?" my dream self asked, as I tried to look around the room.  I tried to lift but I was strapped down by everything possible.  The oxygen kept me calm and relaxed, even though I was still partially asleep.   I closed my eyes, and reopened them, to seeing six shadowy figures hanging over me.  I couldn't see who they were, or what was going on from the lighting.  I saw a shadowy figure walk up to my face as cold, wet hands toughed my cheeks.  The iron smell of blood filled my nose, making me feel sick and thirsty at the same time. My cheek was wet, as a liquid poured down my neck and onto the bed  beneath me.

A shadowy face drifted over mine, showing me beating red eyes, white fangs with blood dripping from them, and a slight shadow of glasses that sat on his face.  The figure bent over me, as he smelt the fresh blood that was covering me.  The being sniffed my face, then went to sniff my neck as a slight chuckle entered the room. "She's ready" Reiji said, in his regular voice.  He shifted over to my neck, as someone grabbed my leg and lifted up my pant leg.  Another shadow lifted up my shirt, pressing a hand up against my ribs.  After that, it bent down to lick the skin and finally biting into my skin, starting to drain my blood.  The one by my leg inhaled as he bit down as well.  I flinched by the bites, as I looked up at Reiji.  He had the most serious face with no expressions.  His arms were crossed as he just studied me.  I flinched more, as I lifted up and screamed in pain.  The blood was dripping down from both area's, making me weaker by the minute.  I looked up slowly, feeling tired and the tiredness coming fast.  "Rei..ji" I said weakly as I looked up at him, seeing him just watching me, with no reaction.  Reiji huffed as he walked up to my head, and bent down.  "I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I couldn't let you get your revenge" he said, as he inhaled and bit into my neck, draining the last of my blood.  I looked up as I felt weaker, as I was about to die.  The last thing I saw was Subaru looking up  at me, as he studied me with an upsetting look on his face, and with that I died.

I jolted while I gasped for air, and holding onto my neck.  I felt all over my neck for bite marks or anything that might hurt me, finding nothing at all.  I huffed as I couldn't seem to settle myself down.  I heard the showers go off in the stalls, as the rest of us girls spoke amongst themselves.  I huffed for a while as the panic grew within me. "YUI!" I screamed as I cried, not even putting a thought into it. Yui opened the door to the showers just a hair, as she spoke. "What? Why are you panicking" she asked, as I looked up.  "Are you alright? Tell me your alright" I said as I inched closer to her.  Yui sighed, as she spoke. "I'm alright. I'm going to get dressed but I'll be right out, ok?" she asked, keeping calm. I sighed, as I spoke. "Ok, I guess I'll be ok" I said as her half face smiled, and the door shut.  I sighed as I lied back down on the bench, taking deep relaxing breaths, trying to calm myself.  I studied the ceiling as the door to go downstairs opened, and Payton came in.  She looked over at me in shock, as she spoke. "Oh no Sam, what happened?" she asked, as she rushed over to me.

I placed my hand on my head as I spoke. "I had this dream. Well it was more of a nightmare" I said as I took deep breaths, trying to settle myself down.  Payton sighed as she sat down with me. "Wana talk about it?" she asked, trying to be helpful, which helped.  I shook my head as a tear started to drip down my cheek.  "No, I'm going outside.  Keep Yui in here" I said, as I walked out of the room, and down the stairs.  I opened the door to the gym seeing the guy's in the corner waiting as always.  I didn't look at them at all.  I didn't want to talk about it either.  Jackson looked up as he cracked a smile. "Good morning Sam" he said, with a smile on his face, but lost it quickly as I stopped to look at him.  "Sam, what's wrong?" he asked, as Draven looked up at me, and Axel perked his ears up.  I felt a tear drip down my face as I shook my head. "Keep Yui here, and don't let her leave" I said, as I started to run out of the building completely.  I ran away from the building as I felt a tug on my pant leg.  Growling came into the air as well as I looked over, seeing Axel clamped to my pants.  He gripped the leg as he looked at me. "Sam, talk to me" he said in his mind, looking like he wanted to help in some way.  I looked at him as I shook my head, feeling worse than before.  "Protect Yui" was all I said, before I disappeared into the town.

I ran and ran passed the church, and headed for the outskirts of town when someone grabbed me by the shoulder.  The grip was strong as the being slammed my back against the wall, and pinned me there.  I looked up seeing Ayato looking at me in the eye.  His expression wasn't angry or anything like that.  He looked upset and worried more then anything.  I sat there, as I started to feel sick again, but not the type of sick that made me puke up blood.  This was more like a hurt feeling more than anything.  "Sam, you feeling ok?" he asked, with the same worried look on his face.  I looked at him as I bit into my bottom lip, feeling my own blood drip down to my chin.  I just felt it pour out, making me feel weaker by the minute.   Ayato's eyes grew in shock as he watched what was happening. "Sam, you got to stop this.  Your hurting yourself" he said, trying to get me to stop.  He even tried to pull my bottom lip out from my fangs, but it didn't work.  I felt my knees becoming weaker by the minute, and finally gave in.  I dropped to the ground, hitting my head against the cement.  It slammed hard on the ground, as I felt light headed. "Sam" Ayato said, as he bent down at my side.  I still felt my blood oozing down my chin, dripping to the ground, staining it red.  Ayato picked me up as he looked at me.  He wedged his finger between my lip and fangs, trying to get me to stop, but I didn't let go.  Finally, I let go as I looked up at him, seeing him just watching me.  "Protect...Yui" I said, as I exhaled, and closed my eye before falling into a deep sleep.

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