Chapter 6

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I walked down the stairs hearing talking in the living room.  I looked seeing Ayato sitting next to Kou on the couch that was backing me.  Azusa and Kanato was talking over on the far side of the room.  Laito, Yuma and Subaru was talking near the front door in a low tone of voice, and Shu was over on the back couch, sleeping and listening to music.  Jackson walked into the room with Axel and joined Ayato and Kou on the couch.  The room was full of conversations of different subjects as everyone talked.  I stepped down off of the last step of the stairway, as Subaru looked over at me. "Feeling better Sam?" he asked, as I noticed both him and Yuma looking at me.  Yuma kept quiet as he watched me, with a worried look on his face as well. I nodded as I looked at him, trying to focus on just him, and not the conversation around us. "Yeah, I'm just going to grab some blood.  I was told to" I said, but stopped in  mid sentence, when I noticed the shadowy figure in the driveway again.  It was the same shadowy figure that I pointed out to Ruki and Reiji upstairs.  Subaru looked at me funny as he spoke. "What you looking at?" he said as he looked out of the window, and when he did, the shadow was gone.  I jolted in shock as I backed up a bit. "Now it's gone again" I said, keeping a eye out for the shadow.  Yuma just kept his eye on me, as Subaru looked out the window.  "There's nothing out there Sam.  Maybe your just tired and your seeing things" he said, as he put his hand on my sholder.  I sighed as I turned to him.  "Your probably right.  I'm going in the kitchen" I said as I walked off.  

I walked into the kitchen as I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of blood.  I closed the fridge as I opened it and took a sip.  I huffed as I spoke. "Why did this happen to me Yui?" I asked, as I heard footsteps comming closer.  "Feeling better Sam" a voice spoke, making me jump.  I turned around to find Kou standing in the doorway.  "Oh, yeah.  I was just getting a thing of blood" I said, as I glanced out the window, seeing the shadow again.  My eyes narrored at it, as I spoke. "Who is that?" I asked more to myself, then to Kou.  When Kou was about to look, the figure was gone, just like it always had. "who's what?" Kou asked as he looked out, and once again the shadow was gone.  "Sam, there's nothing out there.  Are you ok?" he asked, as he focused on me.  I shook my head as I took a sip of the blood. "Maybe I'm tired, but I keep seeing a figure of a boy" I said, as I looked outside seeing nothing out there.  Kou sighed, as he spoke. "Maybe all the commotion is making you tired.  Maybe you should go relax in the livingroom. Come on" he said, as he waved me to follow him.   I looked back at the window, seeing nothing there.  "Maybe your right. The tiredness is probably still in effect" I said, as I took another sip and put the cap back on the bottle.  Kou just smiled at me, as he turned around, and we walked into the livingroom.

When we got back in the room, I sighed to relieve my stress from the figure.  I could've swarn someone is outside watching me.  But it could also be from all the comotion in the room.  I followed Kou in the room as I stood in the doorway.  The room was once again full of commotion and conersations.  Kou walked back to continue the conversaton with Ayato.  Kou looked back at me as he smiled. "Would you like to join us Sam?" he asked, as Ayato looked at me.  I nodded, keeping to myself as I walked over and sat on the chair by the couch.  Ayato smilled as he spoke. "Feeling better Sam?" he asked, once I sat down.  I nodded as I spoke. "Yeah, I a" I said as I caught the figure out the window again.  Ayato gave me a look, as he looked over, peaking a eye without moving his head.  His eyes widdened as what he saw. "Who's that?" he asked Kou, making him turn around, but once he did the figure left.  My eyes widdened in fear.  "So you saw it too?" I asked him, curious of if he really seen it.  Ayato turned towards me. "Dark figure in a black trenchcoat?" he asked. I nodded as I spoke. "Blueish hair?" I asked him, which he nodded in agreement.  Ayato looked back out the window. "Someone is trespassing. I should go look" he said getting up.  "Kou, keep her in the house" he said, as he walked out of the room.

 I sighed as I slouched in my seat.  "So, I'm not going nuts" I said, more to myself then to Kou.  Kou smiled as he spoke. "Don't worry.  You must still be tired or something."  I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, your probably right.  I'm supposed to stay in the house" I said as I looked at him.  Kou cracked a smile, as I did the same.  "Your looking a little better" he said.  I nodded as I took another sip of the blood. "Yeah, I am taking blood, and it seems to be staying down" I said, as I sighed. Kou smiled as he ajusted in his seat. "That's good. Hopefully it stays that way."  I cracked a little smile, as I looked down at the bottle.  "I hope so" I said.  I swirled the blood that was in the bottle as I watched it swish around, crashing up against the sides like giant waves in the ocean.  "It's going to be alright Yui" I said to myself, cracking a little smile.  I looked up seeing Kou watching me in confusion.  "You still talk to your sister?" he asked, now with a upsetting look on his face.  I nodded as I sighed.   I kept silent as I took another sip of the blood.  "I'll never stop taling to Yui."  Kou smiled as he sighed. "That's good.  It's good to keep in touch with your sister."  I looked up as I thought.  "If only, she was still alive right now" I said, with a sigh. 

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