Chapter 5

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I was still holding next to the toilet, seeing Ayato wrap his arm with gause, as he stopped himself from bleeding.  He ripped a piece of gause off, as he took the tape, and taped it closed. He placed his hand on the bandage as he whinced from the pain. "Wow, that hurts" he said as he gasped a bit between words.  I started to cry as the memory of Yui came into my mind.  "I'm sorry Ayato" I said, as tears dripped down my cheek.  Ayato stopped what he was doing as he looked at me, he looked shocked and down, like it was his fault of all this.  "Don't be.  It's ok.  We'll figure this out. All of us" he said and he smiled, and turned to me.   I sighed as I lifted up to stand, now stronget than I have before I woke up.  I looked at the toilet, seeing all the blood that I have threw up.  The door opened as Shu walked into the room.  He looked down at Ayato, as he looked over at me.  "What happend here?" he asked, looking from Ayato, back to me.  I looked at Shu, as my thirst came back, wanting more.  I sniffed the air, smelling blood from both Shu and Ayato.  Ayato looked at Shu, whincing in pain.  "Shu, we need the needle" Ayato said, which made me look back at him.  I was starting to become thirsty again, which made me walk towards Shu. 

"Shu, either put her asleep or get out of here" Ayato yelled, which made me turn towards him. Ayato looked at me in shock, as he watched my every move. I licked my fangs as a hand grabbed my sholder.  I turned to look at who it was, finding Shu standing right there.  I could smell the blood that was comming from him, which made me thirsty again. I didn't do anything at first, just sat there watching him. The blood sent got stronger as I sat there.  "Sam, stop this, and tell me what's going on" he said, as he pushed me to face him.  I stood there, as I looked up, smelling his blood.  "Sam, speak to me" he said, as I reached for his wrist.  I grabbed his wrist quicly, as I pulled it up to my nose.  I sniffed it, as I started to lick the spot, senncing the sweetness of his blood that was through him.  Whincing came from behind me, as Ayato yelled. "Shu, put her asleep" he said, as I went to bite.  I suddenly felt a little prick enter the back of my neck, as I stopped, almost forgetting what I was doing.  I felt some liquid enture my neck, as I started to calm down. I felt myself getting tired, as I releaced a yawn.  My vision started to blur as I got weak in the knees.  I fell down to the ground, but Shu caught me in mid fall.  I watched him, as the room started to fade in nd out, while the tiredness grew within me. Shu watched me with a sad look on his face, like he didn't want to do it.  "Shu, what did you....Do" I asked, as I started to fall asleep.  "Sorry Sam. We have to do it" his muffled voice spoke as I completley fell asleep, knowing that the needle went in. Just like at the Clinic, I was going to fight at anything they did.

A few hours later

 I woke up in my room, lying on my bed.  I felt a little dizzy from what Shu gave me, which I reconized from the clinic.  I looked around seeing the bedroom and the stuffed dog right next to me on the night stand.  I lifted up to look around the room, seeing it look exactly the same as before.  But this time, something was different about the situation.  I licked my fangs, still feeling them there, which means they didn't take them out of me. I tried to roll to sit but something tightened around my wrists, keeping me down. "What?" I thought to myself, as I looked down, seeing the straps on my wrist, just like at the hospital.  I started to freak, as I pulled against the straps, trying to free myself, but yet again, no use.  I flopped my head on the pillow, making the bed thump against the wall, as something hit under the bed.  I looked up as I heard gingling, and Axel put his head up on the bed. "How you feeling Sam?" he asked, as he watched me.  I giggled the straps as I looked at him. "What's going on?" I asked him, as he watched me.  "My dad had to do it.  He doesn't want you to leave at the moment" his voice echoed into my head with.  I struggled some more as I thought about it.  "Did he have to take it this far?" I asked, looking back at the dog.  "Well, you did almost drink all the blood that was in Uncle Shu, so yeah.

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