11. Purple cat charm

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Hitoshi stopped his bike and let you get off. He locked it up and then we walked towards the train. Since I had never been on a train before I felt a little unsure. The train stopped at our platform and a large crowd of people got off. Hitoshi reached down and grabbed your hand. "It's easy to get separated so just hold onto me, ok". You quickly nod and climb onto the train. You looked around and noticed that there were no free seats. "I guess we'll just have to stand, hold onto me if you feel like you're gonna fall over". You nod and stand in front of him. Since he was taller than you, he could easily reach the railing above. You kept hold of his hand, it was your only way to stay standing. Suddenly the train started and you grabbed onto Hitoshi's shirt with your free hand. He chuckles and places his free hand on top of your head. "It's alright". You give a slow nod and keep a hold of his shirt.

As the journey went on people got on and off of the train. At one stop a lot of people got on and there was barely any room. Hitoshi pulled you over by the door and held you close to himself. "The next stop is ours, just stay close to me and you'll be fine". You nod once again, this time being so close that your forehead was resting against his chest. It was strange being so close to someone. One of Hitoshi's hands held yours while the other was wrapped around your waist to keep you close. Suddenly the train came to a halt, you were at your stop. The doors opened and Hitoshi swiftly pulled you out, keeping you out of the path of the other people getting off. You felt a bit dizzy and stumbled a little as you tried to regain your balance. "Wow, that was scary", you whisper. Hitoshi chuckles once more and gently squeezes your hand. "You're gonna have to get used to it, we're gonna have to catch the train every day when we go to U.A". It made you smile at how confident he was, you knew he could do it, Hitoshi would make a great hero. You nod. "I'll try and get used to it".

The two of you began to walk through the city. "So what's the first thing on your list?", he asks. You pull the list from your pocket and unfold it. "A cellphone". He cocks an eyebrow at you. "You don't have a cellphone?". You shake your head. "Ok then, I'll take you to the place where I got mine". He begins leading you through town. The sight of the city filled you with curiosity. You must've looked like a child, ogling at every new thing you saw.

Hitoshi pulls you into a store which was filled with cellphones. One of the workers approached you with a friendly smile. "How may I help you two?", she asks. "I was looking to buy a cell phone". Their face lit up. "Really? Well follow me and I show you the latest model". You didn't really care but decided to follow the woman, Hitoshi went over to some seats and sat down. The woman picked up a/an (f/c) smartphone and held it out to you. "So do you like this one?", she asks. You nod. "What can it do? Can you show me?". You look down nervously and bite your lip. "I've never had a phone before". She happily nods and begins showing you all kinds of things you can do on your phone. "You can get games and even take photos!", she enthuses. "Take photos?". She gives a determined nod. "So what do you think? Would you like to buy the phone?". You nod. "Uh yes please". She leads you over to the cash register and lets you pay. You notice something in a display cabinet that peaks your interest. "What are those things?", you ask the woman. She chuckles and pulls them out. "They're charms, you put them on your phone". She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her phone, it had a little charm of a black haired boy crouching in a weird position. "See, you attach them to your phone like this". You nod and look at them. Your eyes stop on one of a little purple cat, it reminded you a lot of Hitoshi. "Could I please have that one?". She nods and pulls it out for you, attaching it to the phone. "There you go, have a lovely day". You nod and wave to her before walking back over to Hitoshi.

"Did you get it?", he asks. You nod. "Yeah". You pull out your phone and show him. He takes it from your hands and examines the little charm. "It's cute". You nod and watch as he unlocks the phone and goes into your contacts. "What are you doing?', you ask. "I'm putting my number in your phone so that we can text each other". You raise an eyebrow. "Text?". He sighs and takes your hand again. "I'll show you later, now what's next on the list?".

Ahhh soo cute! I'm feeling up to updating so I will write another chapter. Yay! Have a wonderful day! Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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