24. Quirk assessment

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You left the changing rooms, following the other girls out to what looked like the sports field. The boys and Mr. Aizawa were already there. "U.A isn't run like other schools so I get to run my class they way I see fit. And right now instead of going to the entrance ceremony, I'll be testing your quirks", he states. You could see that he was trying to assert himself, it was a smart tactic. No one will respect you if they think you're weak, the stronger and more powerful you make yourself makes it easier to earn others respect and loyalty through fear. He passes a softball to the loud, angry boy and points to a white painted circle on the ground. "What was your softball throwing distance in middle school?", he asks. He catches the ball with ease and throws it up, catching it swiftly. "60 something meters". The raven-haired man nods and points to the circle. "Now do it but use your quirk, you may do whatever you wish with your quirk just as long as you don't leave the circle". The ash blonde boy walks over to the painted circle and stretches before throwing the ball far with a loud explosion. The teacher holds up what looks to be a touchscreen phone or small tablet which reads a distance of 705 meters. The other students seemed to cheer as it was revealed that for this test they would be able to test their quirks. "And whoever gets the lowest score will be expelled". You could hear the complaints of the other students but didn't pay attention to them, it just sounded like a bunch of gibberish to you. The same thought you had this morning came to mind, was the small part of your quirk that you could show enough? Everyone else must be strong too since they had gotten into U.A, it worried you. But you know that you wouldn't give up.

The first test was the 50-meter dash. You looked to your right and saw the large masked boy with what looked to be 6 connected arms. He gave you a small nod before focussing on the test, waiting for the signal to go. You knew you'd have to put a little power into your run in order to get a good boost at the start. When the whistle blew you boosted off of the ground and used the momentum to keep going at a fast pace. Within a couple seconds, you had passed the camera-like device that said '4.56 seconds' in a robotic voice. Just after you came the six armed boy, you felt a sense of calmness since your first score bet at least one person.

Next was grip strength. You picked up the mechanism and squeezed it, looking down to check once it beeped. You felt tension in your cheeks when you saw your score, 300 kgs. You looked around and noticed people gathered around the 6 armed boys who you learned the name of, it was Shoji. The other students were gawking at his score, it was over 500 kg after all. Your eyes then drifted to the green-haired boy, Midoriya, who looked a little upset with his score. You wondered about him and his quirk, his scores so far hadn't been too impressive but you could feel that there was something different about him.

Now it was standing long jump, something that you didn't quite like. You ran towards the pit of sand and leaped as far as you could. But while in the air you could feel your mother's quirk begging to be let out. It was always like this, whenever you found yourself in midair it would try and come out. You landed in the sand at the very edge of the pit, managing to put your hand down before you could fall on your butt. Standing back up you placed a hand on one of your shoulder blades, gently rubbing it. You could feel the bones sticking out a little more then they should have. Your eyes met with Mr. Aizawa's for a seconds before the bones retracted to their normal place. You looked down at the ground as you felt a pair of hands resting on your the pained area. "Don't worry, it's just me", Kuro whispers. "Thank you", you say quietly.

After a few more tests you found yourself back where you were before, watching as someone threw a softball while using their quirk. "Next I'll have Miss Takeyama". The other students look around, their eyes landing on you as you step forward. Mr. Aizawa points to the circle. You walk over and pick up a softball, gripping it firmly in your hand. You look over at your tired looking teacher as he gives you a nod. You leaned back and threw the ball with as much force as you could muster, hissing quietly as the pain in your back became more noticeable. You released the ball and turned to your sensei, seeing him hold up your score. "Wow she got more than Bakugou", a red-haired boy says. Your score was more than his, beating him by over 100 meters. "834 meters", a very sparkly blonde boy reads out. The tired male gives you a nod and lets you leave the circle. For the rest of the time, you easily passed the tests, getting good scores for most of them but you still felt your mother's quirk. It wanted to get out badly but you had enough self-control to keep it in, you promised her that you would keep it hidden and that's exactly what you were going to do.

I went back to watch a little bit of the episode because I completely forgot what happened but I think it turned out well. I know that there isn't much really about Midoriya but I will put a bit of him in, he is the protagonist after all. But this story really is about you and Hitoshi, I'm really happy with the ideas I have for the story. I can't wait to write them, I hope you enjoyed btw. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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