40. Friendship

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The words that brought you back to reality were 'class president'. You didn't care for such a position but the loud commotion showed just how eager the others were to get it. "If this is to be a democracy then our true leader must be chosen by election!", Iida announces. Aizawa shrugs his shoulders as he leans back in his chair. "I don't really care how you do it, just make sure to chose someone". Everyone takes out a piece of paper and writes who they would like to lead the class, for some reason your eyes landed on Midoriya. Sure he wasn't the smartest, strongest or most confident but he had the strongest will you had ever seen and you admired that. You wrote down the green-haired boy's name and folded your piece of paper in half, heading up to the teacher's desk to give in your vote.

"It looks like Midoriya is the class president with three votes and Yaoyorozu is the vice president with two votes". You were satisfied with the results but raised an eyebrow when you saw a vote next to your name, someone had voted for you. Looking over most of the names they either had one vote or none, mainly because they voted for themselves or they voted for someone else. You saw no point in giving yourself a vote since you didn't want the position and didn't think you'd be the type of person to lead 1-A. You looked around the room, trying to figure out who may have voted for you. You looked over at Iida who looked devastated, he must've really wanted the position and with his good attitude and value for the rules, he would've really fit it. The bell rang and Aizawa waved us out the door, not really caring as he got into his sleeping bag.

It was when you were walking towards the cafeteria that you remembered that you were to meet up with Tokoyami. You turned around in the middle of the hall, heading towards the music room.

You slid the door open, your eyes widening slightly at the sight before you. Kuro was leaning up against the wall, talking to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. When they heard the sound of the door they looked in your direction. Kuro smirked and gestured you over, petting the spot beside him as he sat on the floor. You walked over and sat crossed legs, facing the beaked boy.

"What would you like to talk to me about?", you ask, glancing at Kuro who was smirking. Tokoyami sighs and sits down opposite you. "Yesterday in class Kuro talked to me and told me about you". You give an understanding nod. "About your father and his quirk, since we have the same type of quirk I think that we'd make good allies". You looked up at him, meeting his red orbs. "Basically I would like to become your friend, we're similar and I see the self-loathing you are going through because of your affiliation with that horrible man. I think it would benefit the both of us since we prefer solitude and are distanced from the others, not only in class but everywhere else too". You continued to stare at him, unsure how you're supposed to act. "We should work together, not only as classmates but siblings of the same quirk type. Would you be alright with that? Kuro did mention that new things suddenly springing on you can cause you to feel unwanted emotions and if that is the case I completely understand".

You shake your head. "It's fine, I appreciate you coming here and asking this but if you're only here because of the similarities between our quirks then I'd suggest that you leave. It's like wanting to be someone's friend just because you have the same coloured hair. Quirks have nothing to do with personalities and if you would like to be my friend then I suggest you get to know me rather then going through with what seems to be a contract or deal".

His eyes widened slightly as he stared at your emotionless face. "I didn't mean for it to seem like that, I'm also curious about you and would like to become closer to you. It's nice to have one who understands me, y'know. I find it hard to admit this but you've caught my eye since the entrance exam, I wanted to learn more about you. Only if that's alright with you". You sat in silence for a few moments before nodding your head. "I think I understand now and I accept. Even though what you were saying before is still on my mind I think having a friendship with you will be quite beneficial for both of us mentally and emotionally. I'm glad that you came forward to ask me". He nods his head, his eyes darting over to Kuro. "Thank you for coming to me, Kuro, without being told about (Y/n) we never would've had this conversation". Kuro just smirks and shrugs his shoulders. "It was nothing, I just wanted to speed up the process of you two becoming friends. We don't have much time left". Tokoyami nods and offers you his hand. "To a great friendship". You meet his hand and shake it, feeling the tension in your cheeks. "To a great friendship".


You quickly jump to your feet, pulling Tokoyami with you. "What is that?", you ask, looking around the empty room. The expression on his face showed as much confusion as yours. What was that loud siren-like noise and why was it going off? Then a loud voice came through the school intercom system. "Level three security has been broken. All students evacuate in an orderly fashion!". Tokoyami kept hold of your hand and ran with you towards the door. "Where are we going?", you call out. "It said we need to evacuate and I wouldn't want you getting hurt, just hold on and we'll get out of here". Your eyes widen. He what?

I wanted to write this story more because I'm in love with it so here I am. I hope you've enjoyed all of these chapters so far. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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