70. Cheer

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"And now to announce the winning teams of the cavalry battle!" Midnight sings into the microphone. You let out a sigh as you watched the results be shown on screen, your team needed to be in the top four to make it to the next round. Unfortunately, your team had come fifth. You turned to your three team members.

"I'm sorry," you apologise. Tetsutetsu bonks you on the head, not hard enough to leave a bump.

"Don't worry about it, we did pretty good coming fifth anyway. Also, we showed the crowd what they wanted and now have good exposure for the hero internships," he says. You smile gently at him, sending a nod. You didn't really want to talk about the internships since you weren't sure whether you were going to be there or not so you remained silent.

You watched as Ojiro and a boy you didn't know come forward, stepping down from their spot in the finals. Apparently, they had no idea what had happened to them during the cavalry battle and didn't believe they deserved the spot. You wondered what had happened to them but it was only when you met familiar purple eyes did you remember Hitoshi's quirk.

"Now that we have two empty spots we'll have two competitors from team Takeyama take their places. Who will come forward and fight?" Midnight asks, pointing at your group. All eyes were on you. Awase shook his head and stepped aside.

"You guys can take the spot," he says shyly. Tetsutetsu turns to you and smiles, putting his hand on your shoulder.

"You and Shiozaki should go for it," he says. You shook your head.

"No, I believe you should take that spot Tetsutetsu, people have seen enough of me. I want them to see you now." Hearing you say that made his smile widen more. He held up his fist, having yours meet him in a fist bump.

"Thanks, Takeyama, I won't let you down." You wave as he makes his way towards where the other winners were with Shiozaki by his side. You met the eyes of many of your classmates, you could tell that they were very confused but you didn't care. All you wanted to do now was support those who had made it this far, whether they were in your class or not.

You walked off the field with Awase, going your separate ways soon after to meet up with your class. Only then did you bump into Jirou and Uraraka who were holding a bundle of orange and white clothing. You opened your mouth to ask a question but before you could, Uraraka grabbed your hand and began pulling you along behind her.

"Where are we going?" you asked. She puffed, her cheeks a little darker due to running.

"Hold on, you'll find out soon," she assures. They took you to the girls changing room where the other girls were, Yaoyorozu coming in a second later with more of the orange clothing. You attempted to talk again only to have Mina put some of the clothing in your arms.

"What's this for?" you ask.

"Just put it on," Jirou says with a sigh. You do as your told and put on the clothing only to later figure out that you were now dressed as a cheerleader. This was odd for you, never before had you worn something so... revealing. You blushed as you looked down at the clothes, now noticing that all of the other girls were dressed the same. Not being the only one made you feel better but only a little. You were also given a pair of yellow pompoms which you held to your chest in an attempt of hiding yourself.

The seven of you walked out to where the others were only to be ogled by Kaminari and Mineta immediately. Many other people pointed you all out, making you feel really weird, you weren't the fondest of so much attention. But seeing the other girls actually get into the cheerleading, mainly Uraraka, Ashido, Hagakure and Tsuyu, you couldn't stop yourself from joining in. It was only when the first round was announced that the seven of you left the arena and make your way to the class's viewing area.

You took a seat and watched as Cementos created the battle arena. Is wasn't long until it was ready and the teacher stepped aside, awaiting the two boys to enter. From either side of the stadium came Hitoshi and Midoriya, both looking equally serious. You weren't sure who to cheer for, whether you should stick with your class or go for someone who meant so much more to you. You watched as Hitoshi spoke, obviously trying to provoke Midoriya, you were surprised that it had worked. As soon as Midoriya opened his mouth, getting ready to charge at the purple-haired boy, he froze in place. The two stood still for a while, you could only guess what Hitoshi was talking about. He wouldn't be fond of Midoriya since he had such a strong, destructive quirk which the entrance exam catered towards, if Hitoshi had a similar quirk he would definitely be in the hero course. If anything, he was jealous and mad at anyone who had a quirk like that.

There were announcements ongoing while the battle went on but it seemed as if no one heard them, they were so focused on the fight before them. Without warning, the green-haired boy turned around and began walking towards the edge of the arena, no longer having control over his body. As he walked away, you didn't know how to feel. Should you happy for Hitoshi or sad for Midoriya, at the moment you felt both but weren't sure which was more prominent.

You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a loud noise, seeing that Midoriya had freed himself from Hitoshi's quirk and was now running towards him. You could see how angry Hitoshi looked, you had never seen him look this way before, he seemed to be yelling something at Midoriya. He started to push Hitoshi towards the edge, not faltering even after he was punched in the face. Hitoshi managed to swap places and try to push Midoriya out only to land hard on his back after being thrown over Midoriya's shoulder and out of the arena.

Your eyes widened in shock, having not expected this as a result. You were sure that Hitoshi would win after Midoriya got caught in his quirk. This was a surprising outcome, you didn't think that it was possible to get out of Hitoshi's quirk. As soon as you fully registered the fact that Hitoshi had lost and the battle was over, you leapt out of your seat. The others in your class all turned and watched as you run out of the viewing area, confused.

"Oh that's right, it's the boy from the photo," Uraraka said aloud. Mina's face lit up when she remembered the picture they had found on your phone. Many of the others from the class looked at the girls in confusion as they spoke about it. Ojiro rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.

"They seemed close at the beginning of the sports festival, they were talking and holding hands and stuff." The girls remembered this also exchange but didn't think much of it at the time. Mina suddenly stood up with a shocked expression on her face.

"Takeyama has a boyfriend and she didn't tell me!"

Wanted to have the cheerleading part in there cause... why not? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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