59. Different

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All was silent in the neighbourhood since everyone was now indoors. The dark street was lit only by the dim street lights above and the dull glow of light from the covered windows of people's houses. Even though your wounds stung and you were shivering slightly as the warmth of the sun slowly went away, you continued to stand in the middle of the street, staring down at the white cat. You crouched down to his level and met his gaze, admiring the colour of his eyes. Tsuki held your gaze before turning his head, looking to the side. You followed his eyes, your own ones widening at the sight of someone standing there, watching you. You returned to your standing position, holding eye contact with the boy who looked just as surprised as you. He looked the same as usual, messy purple hair and dark circles under his eyes, it was the same boy who you wished would return to your life. As you watched him it was silent, it wasn't awkward but you were afraid to move. You weren't scared of him, you were scared of what would happen next. For the first time since the morning you received your acceptance letter his gaze was almost soft.

Unable to look away you held his gaze, watching as he turned his face away to rub the back of his neck. You expected him to turn around and walk towards his house but he didn't, instead, he took a step forward. He took step after step until he stood right in front of you, looking down into your eyes. You had almost forgotten how tall he was, sure it was only a few days ago that he helped you out of the school building when it was being evacuated but it felt like so much longer.

There was a moment where he stood, unmoving. He just looked down at you with an emotion you couldn't quite explain. It wasn't resentful like the one he had given you when he said he never wanted to see you again and it wasn't happy like the ones he gave before. He looked a little sad. He crouched down and pet Tsuki's head, looking down at the cat.

"I saw him sitting in the middle of the road, y'know", he said suddenly. You opened your mouth to speak but were cut off as he continued.

"I heard the car, I saw it all. He was going to get hit and there was nothing I could do about it... and then you...", he stopped himself. He let out a long breath, threading his fingers through his hair.

"Then I saw you, you jumped in front of the car and saved him. Even though it could've killed you, even though it could've injured to the point where you could no longer be a hero... you jumped". His voice got quieter as he spoke, it was almost as if he was at a loss for words.

"That was a hero does", you say, making him look up at you. You felt a pain strike your chest as you met his eyes again, he looked as if he was about to cry.

"I will sacrifice myself for the well-being of others, no matter the state I will be in afterwards. As a friend of mine and a strong drive to become a hero I thought you'd understand that". He looked surprised by your words.

"I understand if you don't want anything to do with me. but please don't look so sad. Tsuki is safe and you are both unhurt". Instead of giving him your usual expressionless face you smiled down at him, offering him your hand.

He stared at your hand for a moment before reaching out and taking it, allowing you to help him to his feet. You relaxed your hand once you had helped him up but he still didn't let go. Instead, he lifted your arm and inspected the scrapes you had received from saving Tsuki.

"Do they hurt much?', he asks. You shrug your shoulders.

"It stings a little but it doesn't bother me at all, just as long as everyone else is fine I will be too". His lips curved up slightly, giving you the smallest of smiles.

"You're really selfless, you know that", he chuckles quietly. He keeps his eyes on you and his hand holding yours. It was only after a few minutes of standing in the same position did you realise what happened. Your face heated up and heart started beating rapidly. It was pounding so loud in your chest that you could feel it in your throat and ears. It was only when he looked up from your hand and saw your red face did he realise what he was doing. He quickly pulled his hand away, his cheeks dusted a light pink.

"Sorry", he apologized, resting his hands by his sides. You hastily calmed your face and forced a smile, not giving a confident one but a really awkward looking one. He chuckled softly, jumping a little at the sound of a loud bang. You both turned towards the noise, flinching at the sight of an infuriated (h/c) woman.

"(Y/n) (M/n) Takeyama, you're worrying me to death. Get in here right now!", she orders. You nod and start to walk towards your house. But you stop when you feel something take ahold of your wrist, holding you back. You turned your head to see Hitoshi giving you an expression you had never seen on his face before.


"Wait", he whispers. You stood in silence, waiting for him to speak, but the odd thing was that he didn't. He opened his mouth a few times but without fail, nothing came out. You let your gaze fall to his hand as his grip tightens on your wrist. It wasn't painful, it was firm, it was obvious that he didn't want you to go.

"Was there something you needed?", you asked. You softened your voice, meeting his violet orbs. Just by looking at you he seemed to relax, his grip loosening until he eventually pulled away.

"No, actually...", he said, rubbing the back of his neck. It seemed to be a habit of his but you didn't mind it at all, if anything you just thought it was another thing to love about him. Having just admitted your feelings for him in your mind made your cheeks tint pink.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow", he muttered, moving his eyes down to the ground. He expected you to turn around and run to your mother but instead, you took a step forward. He was startled when he felt a warm sensation on his cheek. He looked down and noticed just close you were to him, your lips on his cheek. You pulled away quickly, smiling gently at the boy.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then". You then turned around and made your way to your house, passing your dumbfounded mother who stood frozen in the door frame. She tried to make sense of the situation but she couldn't process what she had just seen. Her daughter, an emotionless, silent, stoic girl... She was no longer the same girl who lived under her father's every rule and order but now under her own. She wasn't the same at all, it was as if she was a completely different person.

Would've dedicated this chapter to someone but no one really guessed what I was thinking which was the kiss. I mean it may not be as important because it's only on the check but it meant something. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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