61. Delusional

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You left your English glass first, not giving anyone the chance to talk to you about the USJ. You were lucky that you sat next to Tokoyami, he was the only one in your class that knew your whole situation and that you trusted to keep it all a secret. He wasn't a loud mouth and kept to himself, occasionally speaking with your other classmates.

Throughout the lesson you could feel their eyes on you. You knew it was unfair on the other students in your class since they seemed to care an awful lot about you but it was better this way. You'd just have to try and stay out of all conversations and have no spare time in class. Come to class right before the bell goes, have lunch in the music room, get changed fast to avoid the girls and leave class as soon as you're allowed to. Those were the precautions you would have to take to make this situation easier, not only for you but everyone else as well.

You were currently avoiding everyone, you had been the first one to leave class after finishing your assignment and handing it to Present Mic-sensei before anyone else got the chance to. The girls looked really curious as to why you were in such a hurry and so did some of the boys but you decided not to let it bother you. Something that you were surprised with was the fact that neither Kirishima, Bakugou, Kaminari or Sero had tried talking to you today. You imagined it having something to do with Kuro but you weren't sure so you hadn't mentioned anything to the shadow boy.

Walking along the hall you were stopped, a tall, muscular blonde man standing before you.

"Takeyama, my girl. You fought very well in the USJ, you will make a fine hero one day", he compliments. You were pleased with this, the number one hero was complimenting you. Sending him a grateful smile you bowed.

"Thank you for coming, All Might-sensei. I was worried about what would've happened if you hadn't shown up. Do you mind filling me in on what happened after I passed out?", you ask, standing up straight once again. He nods enthusiastically.

"Of course, why don't you come and have lunch with me? There is something I would like to discuss with you". You nod and follow him as he turns, freezing when you heard someone calling your name.

"(Y/n)-chan!", Mina calls. You turn your head, seeing many students from your class leaving the English room and coming out into the hall as they head to the cafeteria. You panicked and took a step back, not ready to face anyone in your class yet. All Might noticed your distress and moved to stand in front of you.

"Sorry, young Ashido. I'll be borrowing Takeyama for lunch", he announces. He picks you up and rests you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before sprinting off.

Since All Might was so fast it didn't take long to get to where ever he was taking you. When you reached the door he placed you on the ground and slid the door open. Inside was a large table with teachers sitting around it, seeing it assured that you wouldn't be having lunch. You suddenly grew shy and unsure of yourself. What if they accused you of being a villain because of who your father is? Would they do that? You had heard cases of people being arrested for affiliation but did it count if they were family? All Might placed one of his large hands on your shoulder and gave it a small squeeze.

"Do not worry, young Takeyama. You're not in trouble, we just have something we would like to discuss with you". A large amount of smoke came out of nowhere, slowly disappearing to reveal a skinny man with spiky blonde hair. You stared at him, feeling confused yet looking unfazed. He pointed a bony finger at an empty chair.

"Take a seat". You nodded your head, looking around the room at the other teachers. Aizawa-sensei was in there so you avoided eye contact, you weren't too sure if what you had said to him earlier was taken as offensive or not. It isn't exactly polite to dodge someone's question and then leave the room without their permission.

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