78. A happy family

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You awoke the next morning in your room at the safe house. There were two bedrooms, one which you shared with Yu and the other which your mother and Aizawa stayed in. Since yesterday, you noticed the two sticking close together. You didn't blame them though, it had been nearly 17 years since they had last seen each other. Turning your head, you noticed your aunt snoring loudly in the bed next to you. It didn't bother you too much, you were just glad you didn't have to sleep in the same bed as her because she was spread out like a star fish.

Sitting up, you noticed Kuro sitting on a chair on the other side of the room, reading a book. Seeing that you had woken up, he smiled at you.

"Good morning," he greets, standing up and putting his book aside. He approaches your bed and helps you to your feet, beginning to walk towards the door. You followed, leaving the bedroom and entering the living room. Looking around you noticed the lack of people in the living area, realizing that you were the first to wake up. On the dining room table were all of the gifts and letters that had been left for you, yesterday you hadn't had a chance to look at them. Taking a seat in front of them, you began looking through everything. Flowers had been left by many of the teachers, even All might had left some for you. The rest were sweets left by classmates and other U.A students you knew, followed by letters from not only them but others too.

"You were out for four days but in that time you compiled a lot of mail, I'm guessing there are some from people other than those you know. The sports festival was broadcast to the world, everyone got to see and experience everything you did," he explains. You nod and take a letter, opening it. Pulling out the folded piece of paper, you flattened it out and began reading it aloud.

"I watched your fight and was couldn't help but feel moved by everything you said and did. I'm constantly called villainous for my quirk even though I would never use it to hurt someone else. I wanted to say thank you, you may be studying to become a hero but you're already mine." Once it ended, you spent a few minutes reading it over. You only stopped when you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Both you and Kuro turned, your eyes locking onto the dark-haired male who stared back at you with tired eyes.

"After being in the hospital for four days, I expected you to be the last to wake up," he said, heading into the kitchen to make tea. Your eyes followed him, watching as he rubbed his own and yawned.

"You going to see your father today?" You hum in response, leaning back in your chair to look up at the ceiling.

"I know she isn't very fond of it but I promised him I would come, he has no one else." He didn't respond, instead, he remained silent and watched the kettle as it slowly boiled. In this quiet time, you took the opportunity to look through the letters and gifts, searching for a specific name. But you were left disappointed when you discovered there was nothing with his name written on it. You didn't look sad, but Aizawa immediately noticed your change in mood. He watched as you stared at the gifts and letters, continuing to search for that specific name.

Once Aizawa finished making his tea, he sat at the table beside you, closing his eyes as he relaxed.

"Hikari put one of the gifts in the cupboard because Yu kept trying to eat them." Your face lit up noticeably as you jumped up and ran to the cupboard. Swinging the doors open, you immediately saw the bag which sat at the top. It must've been hard hiding something from a woman with a gigantification quirk but it seemed to have worked, the bag wasn't open. You reached up and grabbed it, pulling it down so you could inspect it. As soon as you looked at the sweets through the clear plastic, you knew exactly who they were from.

It was full of cat shaped marshmallows.

Kuro disappeared from his seat at the table and reappeared beside you. He peered over your shoulder and snickered at the sight of the sweets.

"You gonna eat the whole bag again?" he teases. Your face heated up at the thought, not only had you done it in front of Hitoshi, you had sat in your room and done it again after he bought you another bag.

"Shut up," you huffed in embarrassment. He laughed at you as you returned to the table, opening the bag and beginning to eat the sweets. You didn't care about breakfast, all that you wanted to sit back and relax, eating what your...

Now that you thought about it, you and Hitoshi never had the opportunity to talk about what you were. Sure, it felt like you two were already together but it had never been talked about. At the beginning, you were strictly friends so you didn't consider it. Then you were apart, it was then that you realized how much you actually liked him. And now that you had finally been able to speak and be closer, you didn't have the time. If your father had never appeared during the sports festival, you were sure you would've been official with Hitoshi. But you hadn't been able to find time where you could discuss it.

Now you would have to wait for all of this to blow over to be able to return home and see him again. The press conference would hopefully fix everything and give an explanation, not only to your friends but the world as well. Everyone seemed to want to know your situation, how this entire thing came to be and you didn't blame them. Nothing was given a reason, you just hoped that after you talked about it all they would treat you the same. Having them discover the identity of your father was something you worried about a lot, especially when you were confronted by Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari that day in the park. They found out parts of the story but never the full thing.

While thinking, you hadn't noticed you mother entering the room. She walked past the table and wrapped her arms around the lazy male, placing a kiss on his cheek as he sipped at his tea. She looked over at you, watching as you ate from your bag of marshmallows with a frown on your face.

"What happened?" she whispers to Aizawa, resting her head on his shoulder. He hums quietly as he puts his cup down, his eyes traveling to you. Kuro appeared in the seat beside you but you were too lost in thought to notice his presence.

"She's thinking about her boyfriend, the purple-haired boy," Kuro says boredly, watching as you suddenly awaken.

"He's not my boyfriend," you hiss, glaring at the shadow boy. He shrugs his shoulders and leans back in his seat, resting both hands behind his head.

"He may not be yet but you can't deny that he's close to it, I saw you two in the nurse's office y'know." Your face turned red at the accusation, it being even worse since both your mother and teacher were there. Your mother chuckled and stood up, pulling away from Aizawa.

"I'll get started on breakfast and (Y/n), you shouldn't be eating marshmallow for breakfast," she adds. You sigh and close the bag, laying it on the table in front of you as you watched Aizawa get up and follow her to the kitchen.

"I'll help or something," he said in his usual bored tone. Your mother giggled took his hand, pulling him into the kitchen with a wide smile on her face. Never before had you seen her so happy, it was a big mood change from living back in the mansion with your father. She cried more than she smiled there and even when you were staying with Yu, she wasn't her happiest. She seemed relieved but still faked her happiness. Being with her sister and away from your father improved her mood but she was still missing something. Oddly enough, it was your lazy homeroom teacher. To others he may not have seemed that impressive, someone like your mother with radiating beauty could have anyone that she wanted. Choosing him proved that she truly cared for him, he wasn't extremely rich or popular and she didn't care about that.

You watched the two move around the kitchen, every so often stopping for a kiss. You couldn't help but smile seeing them both so happy. Aizawa was usually so bored looking, being in your mother's presence made a small smile replace he usual dull expression. Your mother also giggled, something which was rare for her. You spent the rest of the morning watching the couple and fending off Kuro who kept trying to take your marshmallow kitties away. It was fun being like this, it was like you were a part of a real, happy family.

Got a bit of Momma and Aizawa fluff, people really wanted to see that. Not that I blame them, I wanted to see it too. Also, I imagine that Mt. Lady snores really loud, not that I know but after seeing Mineta with her for the internships I can't help but imagine it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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