81. Pressure

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The mic was passed to the next reporter, now getting back into the mood of the large scale interview.

"During the fight, your father announced that you had the choice to either kill your mother or your classmates. What went through your mind at that moment and how did you come up with your alternative?"

"Like anyone else would be, I was afraid. He had given me the choice to lose one of the things I cared for the most. But if I stayed within the guidelines of the game, I would've lost anyway. Killing anyone would've automatically made me like him and that was what I dreaded the most. I always hated when he told me I would make a perfect villain, it was the exact opposite of I wanted. I'm not a villain." You paused, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"And the way I came up with my third option... well um. It was on the spot thinking, he took advantage of my weak spots so I took advantage of his. Growing up with him showed me how much he cared for me, even though he was mentally fragile. I was the only thing he cared about, he had nothing else, his own life wasn't worth anything unless I was there. And even now, after visiting him in the hospital, it's still true. I decided that without my friends and my family I had nothing, so I risked it all. If I didn't have them then my life wasn't worth living so I gambled it. My mother is very mad me and I understand why as her daughter, but as an aspiring hero it is my job to take those risks. If I have to sacrifice my life to save someone else's then I will, but I'll work hard enough so that I can continue helping people and not die while doing so." You finished, watching as another reporter stood.

"Can you please comment on what is happening with the protests going on around your situation?" they ask.

"First of all, I am very appreciative of those who continue to stand up for me and everything I fought for. Waking up in hospital and seeing such love and support was very heart-warming. I've received a lot of mail from people and even have them talk to me face to face, it is very reassuring knowing that there are others like me out there. As for those against me, I just want to say that I am not and will never be a villain. Your quirk and those you associate yourselves with do not determine your morals, you do. Just because your quirk is seen as "villainous", it doesn't mean it is. It's just for people with flashy quirks to feel better about themselves. Quirks don't determine how you act, it is your choice whether you use it for that or not." Looking around the room, all cameras and eyes were on you.

"Damn it, you don't even need a quirk to harm someone. You want to know what else is considered a weapon? Hands. Everyone had hands and they are just as capable of killing than a quirk. I've had people criticize and put down the one I care about the most because of his quirk and call him a villain. But in reality, he's one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Growing up around villains, I also met people who never wanted to live like that. It was the pressure from the public that pushed them into such roles. If you're looking for someone to blame, look at yourself first. If you don't want me to be a hero then what do you want from me, you can either have another hero in this world or another villain. It's your choice." You stared at the crowd, not angry but worked up. They remained silent, none of them expected you to say anything like that. Mr. Tsukauchi walked out and began ushering you all off stage. The reporters called out more questions and snapped pictures as you walked out but it was over. Kuro wrapped his arm around your shoulder and chuckled.

"Man, you should've heard yourself. Scolding society, didn't think you were brave enough to do that." You remained silent, leaning against him as you walked. All of this stuff, the hospital visit, staying in a safe house and this press conference were really getting to you. There was only one thing you wanted to do and that was go home.

Reaching the back of the building, the five of you sat down and waited to be picked up. All eyes were on you and you knew it, but didn't acknowledge it at all.

"(Y/n)," Aizawa called. You glanced over at him, noticing how he gave an odd looking smile.

"You did good, kid." You smiled back at him, leaning against again on the couch you shared with Kuro. Yu sat on an arm chair, pouting.

"It was unfair, no one asked me any questions." Her sister laughs, teasing her while you watched. It was nice seeing them together, they had been separated when Yu was young so she never really got to spend time together. Your mother seemed very fond of her anyway, they got along all the time besides minor slip ups.

The sound of a car beeping caught your attention. The five of you stood, making your way out the back door and toward the waiting vehicle. Kuro disappeared, patting your back lightly before going. This time, Yu took the front seat so you were stuck in the back with the couple. The idea didn't bother you at first until it was decided that since you're the smallest, you had to sit in the middle. Letting out a quiet sigh, you climbed into the car sitting next to Aizawa. He looked over at your mother who climbed in last. They met each others gaze, it then drifting to you. You glared at them both.

"The ride is barely ten minutes, wait till we get back to get all lovey dovey," you complain. Your mother giggled, placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Aw, you'll understand when you have someone like Shota in your life, sweetie." You turned to your sensei with raised eyebrows. He just shrugged his shoulders and lent back in his seat as the car pulled out onto the road. Your cheeks remained pink as you thought about it. Hitoshi was to you what Aizawa was to you mother and you couldn't help but feel nervous but also excited to see him again.

Next chapter done, not sure how many more there will be. The max will probably be three, but I may only need one or two to completely finish it. I'm gonna miss this story a lot, I started it while I was halfway through watching season two and now we're all waiting for season four. But I'm a manga reader so I know what's gonna happen already, honestly can't wait!

Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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