31. Out

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You stood there like a deer in headlights, unable to move due to shock. You heard the sound of the door opening, suddenly you were tackled to the floor. Kuro pulled you under the desk, holding you to his chest as his hand held your mouth closed. You could feel his breath on your neck. "Don't make a sound or we're done for", he whispered. You gave the smallest of nods and held still. You could hear the footsteps as the shadow spirits walked around the room, searching for the cause of the broken item.

After a while they gave up, leaving the room. When they were gone you let out a sigh of relief, climbing out of your hiding place beneath the desk. "Come on, we need to leave", Kuro orders, opening the window for you. You nod but catch him off guard by hugging him suddenly. "Oi, let go of me", he spits, trying to pry you off. Eventually, you let go and send Kuro the smallest of smiles. "Thank you, Kuro", you whisper softly. He rolls his eyes playfully and points to the window. "Get out before I throw you through it". You nod and climb out the window, beginning to run towards the forest. You had made it out.

"Woohoo!", you yell, a large smile spread across your face. " I can't believe I actually did that, I have so much energy right now!", you announce into the empty forest. Kuro sat up against a tree, letting out a quiet sigh. "That's just the adrenaline, I suggest we get home now before you run out". You open your wings without a second thought and give one hard flap, flying above all of the trees. Before you can fall back down you open your wings, flying even higher. "Now we go home". You nod and loop the loop in the air before heading back home.


"(Y/n) it's time to get up, don't forget that you have school today!". The sound of the door opening wakes you up but you can still feel the black wings attached to your back. You jump off your bed, pulling your blanket up to cover you. Your mother chuckles at the sight of you looking like a ghost with a sheet over your head. "What are you doing darling?', she asks, giggling quietly. "I was uh getting changed". She blushes and places her hand over her mouth as she giggles some more. "Sorry, I didn't know, I just wanted to make sure you're up. Also, make sure to have breakfast before you go, it's the most important meal of the day y'know". You quickly nod. "Sure, I'll just get changed first". She nods and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. You let out a sigh of relief and fall face first onto your bed. "Well that was close, wasn' t it?", Kuro chuckles. You lift your head and glare at him. "Why didn't you tell me to put them away last night or at least before she came in?", you ask, feeling annoyed. He shrugs his shoulder, sliding his hands into his pockets. "I dunno, I guess it's more fun this way". You sigh and grab your hairbrush, biting down on the handle as you retract your wings into your body. It was painful but not as bad as getting them out. This time there was no blood and it was over in a matter of seconds. You panted, resting your hands on your knees, starting to get ready once you regained your breath.

You walked down the stairs in your U.A uniform, heading towards the kitchen. Your mother was making breakfast, having just finished it once you arrived. She placed a plate/bowl in front of one of the seats and pet it. "Take a seat". You nod and sit down, beginning to eat the food she had made you. Yu entered the room and giggled at the sight of you in your U.A uniform. "Aw I wish I got to see it yesterday, you look so cute", she coos. You stare up at her, tilting your head to the side slightly. "What does that mean?". She taps her chin before her face lights up "It means pretty but also adorable, something that boys like". Before you knew it she started talking about boys and how they thought she was cute in high school. You decided to block out her blabbering and quickly finish your breakfast. When you were done you got up and placed your plate/bowl on the bench, nodding to your mother and aunt before heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

"Ready for another day at U.A?", Kuro asks, appearing behind you in the mirror again. You didn't get a fright this time, you only nodded. "Yeah, I guess". Kuro chuckles as he wraps his arms around your shoulders, resting his chin on your left one. "Come on, it can't be that bad. Maybe you'll make friends today?". You raise an eyebrow at him, leaning over the sink so spit. "Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? Last night you were so serious but now you're all sarcastic and jokey again". He shrugs his shoulders and lets you go, sitting on the side of the bath. "I dunno why. I guess naturally I like to joke around and annoy you but if you're in danger I feel like I have to protect you and stuff. Probably doesn't make sense but that's all I got". You pick up a towel and wipe the toothpaste away from your mouth. "Thank you, Kuro", you mutter quietly. He gives a slow nod and ruffles your hair. "Now hurry up or you'll miss the train". You nod and hurry out of the bathroom and up to your room. You slip on your school shoes and grab the notebook you picked up last night, slipping it into your school bag.

You walked out the front door. "Goodbye, mother!", you call. "I'll see you this afternoon". You send her a wave before leaving the house, walking towards the train station. Halfway down the street, Kuro appeared beside you. "I wonder what they'll do at school today", he thinks aloud. You mentally nod. "I wonder".

Two chapters in one night because I had a bit of extra time. I think that's five chapters today for all my stories. Wow! Probably the most I've done in a day. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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