Bonus: Kuro gets a boyfriend

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5000 words of pure gold ;)

You stared straight ahead, hand gripping the purple-haired boy's beside you. He noticed your discomfort even though your face was a void of emotion.

"Something up?" he whispered, leaning close to your ear. You gave a subtle nod, not wanting to be obvious.

"It's just that um..." You turned your head and looked back at Kuro, who walked behind the two of you. His met your gaze and stared at you with a bored look. Turning back to Hitoshi, you sighed.

"Kuro always follows us around when we're together. He could go off and do his own thing if he wanted to but he just does this," you whisper. Hitoshi glanced back at him and then at you again.

"You're not neglecting him, are you? Like using the time you used to spend together, hanging out with me?" You shook your head.

"No, we always hang out. But now that I think about it, he probably wants a different kind of company." Hitoshi raises an eyebrow.

"Like what?" You glanced back at Kuro and made sure he wasn't listening before leaning closer to the boy with the brainwashing quirk.

"I mean... a boyfriend." Hitoshi seemed surprised by this, tired eyes widening slightly.

"Are you sure that's what he needs?" he questions. You nod.

"We're constantly together and rubbing our relationship in his face. He's never had anyone like that in his life and I think it would be good for him."

"How could that benefit him at all?" Shinso seemed skeptical but you were sure that this is what your shadow spirit companion needed. You smiled up at him, watching as his cheeks tinted pink from the cute gesture.

"It'll make him happy." Hitoshi sighed and gently squeezed your hand, lifting it and pressing his lips against the back of it.

"I'll trust you to help but don't be too intrusive." Your cheeks heated up from the kiss, nodding so that he wouldn't see the effect it had on you. Kuro watched the gesture and clicked his tongue, sliding his hands deeper into his pockets.


The bell was about to go for lunch and everyone was packing up. As soon as it rang, you rushed to the front of the class and had Iida grab everyone's attention.

"Everyone, (L/n) has an announcement!" he calls out, his right hand chopping the air in the direction of the other students. They all turned their attention to you, ignoring the spectacled male by your side. Once the class was 100% silent, you spoke.

"This will only be relevant for a small group of you so I'll just ask you to stay," you said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Who needs to stay?" Kirishima calls out, sounding interested in whatever you had to say. Your next words were very blunt, no one in class had ever heard you say something like this before.

"Anyone who is single and gay, can you please stay?" Kaminari and Sero started cracking up laughing at your announcement, while others stared at you in shock. Iida took a moment to recover before speaking.

"(L/n), are you being serious or is this some kind of joke?" he asked, letting out some awkward laughter. You nodded, staring him a serious look.

"Yes and this is very important, if anyone fits that demographic please stay."

A majority of the class got up and left, leaving only five. You waited for a moment before the door opened, a blushing Kaminari returning to the class and sitting in his desk.

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Where stories live. Discover now