50. Villains

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Out the villains came, gathering down the stairs in the centre of the USJ. Aizawa started to run towards them, calling Thirteen to protect us while Midoriya tried to stop him. You watched with wide eyes as your sensei begin defeating the villains, erasing their quirks and then finishing them off with strong kicks.  It was no use stopping him. "Get to the exit!", Thirteen ordered. You all followed his instructions and headed towards the front door, only to be stopped by what looked to be a floating black and purple being. Your eyes widened once you recognised him, Kurogiri was his name, an associate of someone you didn't particularly like. You saw his eyes linger on you for a while before he addressed the class. "I'm sorry but I can't allow you to do that". You looked back to where Aizawa was fighting to see him caught by Shigaki, his elbow being disintegrated.  You wanted to run over and help, you felt the need to do so. To protect your sensei, not only for you and the others in your class but your mother too. How could she live without him? That was the only reason that she was still alive. You took a step towards where your sensei was only to be stopped. You looked up to see Kirishima with a strong grip on your hand. "Don't go running off, I won't let you hurt yourself for the sake of sensei. He can take care of himself". You looked to the ground, flinching when you heard Aizawa cry out in pain. You dared look back, seeing a large bird creature with an exposed brain.

Your attention then returned to Kurogiri as he spoke again. "Forgive me for the intrusion, we are the league of villains. And our motive is to kill the symbol of peace". Your eyes widened, your hand gripping tightly onto Kirishima's. "But it doesn't look he's here... no matter, my role stays unchanged". Before you could even process what he had just said Kirishima had released your hand and charged at the warp gate, Bakugou by his side. Thirteen called out to stop them but it was no use. Their attack seemed to anger Kurogiri, making him grow larger in size. "BE GONE, EVERYONE!". You were enveloped in his body, unable to move. You felt everything go dark, having the feeling of someone whispering in your ear. "Shigaraki would like to see you, Lady (Y/n)".

Your eyes opened slowly. You expected to see the roof of your bedroom but you didn't, you were still in the USJ. You jumped to your feet, looking around. There were villains nearby but it looked like they didn't know you were there. You were in the landslide zone but only the entrance to it so you could see the central plaza from where you hiding. You moved closer to it, your eyes widening in shock at what you saw. The bird creature was continuously slamming Aizawa's face into the ground. You looked around, he needed help, you needed help. You felt that you should regroup but you couldn't leave him. An image flashed in your mind, your mother's crying face. How devastated would she be if she found out her love was dead. He was the only thing she lived for, you had to protect him. You pulled your daggers from your sides and began running full speed at the monster, kicking it back and away from your sensei. You kneeled by your sensei, checking his injuries. A broken arm, disintegrated elbow and bloodied face. "(Y/n) you need to get out of here", he coughs. You shake your head, looking up only to be met with the covered face of Shigaraki Tomura.

"My my (Y/n), you're all grown up now. It was a few years ago that I last saw you", he chuckles, adjusting the hand which covered his face. He then turned to the creature which had gotten up, completely unharmed by your fast and powerful kick. "Nomu, restrain her". The creature then made its way towards you, it's eyes holding no sense of humanity at all. You readied yourself and ran at it, slicing its arm right off its body. You expected it to go down, cry out in pain, something... But it didn't react at all. Instead, it dealt you a strong punch to the stomach, sending you flying back into the fountain which sat in the centre of the plaza. You groaned in pain and tried to get up but your energy was gone.

Nomu picked you up by your left arm, its own arm having had regenerated. It then carried you over to Shigaraki where it forces you onto your knees in front of him. "You were your father's prized possession, you meant the world to him and you still do. You had the potential to become the best villain in the world and you threw that all away for this, to mess around at a school with others who are nothing like you. Was it worth it? Leaving him? You're all that he has left, you know?". You didn't answer, instead, you looked to the ground. The blue-haired man chuckled as he scratched at his neck, getting on one knee in front of you. He brought his hand to your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "The perfect villain... beautiful and strong. If you join us we can be unstoppable, I think that your father would be happy to know you were with us. I know he doesn't know about this and I don't plan on killing you but... I'd like to put you through a lot of pain". You knew what was going to happen. Nomu ripped your jacket from you and allowed Shigaraki to place his hands on your upper arms. You gritted your teeth as you felt flesh and muscle flake away, blowing away in the light breeze. You refused to cry or scream, you wouldn't give in but there was something that badly tried to get out. "Show them, show them who you truly are. Show them your wings, show them what a monster you truly are". You hissed loudly, not even feeling Shigaraki but now your wings trying to get out. The first broke through the skin, impaling Nomu's chest. It didn't react very much but let go once the second was out and pushed him back.

You shoved Shigaraki's hands away, punching him directly in the face. He stumbled back a bit, blood beginning to drip from behind the hand on his face. Before you could hit him again Kurogiri appeared. "One of the children has escaped and I was unable to fight off the others", he says in disappointment. Shigaraki glared at him. "I'd kill you now if you weren't our ticket back", he threatens. "We're going now", he says to you. Even though you couldn't see his face you could tell that he was smirking. "But first I'm going to damage All might's pride a little bit". He reached for Midoriya and Tsuyu who were hiding at the edge of the flood zone. Your eyes widened as Shigaraki's hand inched closer and closer to Tsuyu's face. You started to run at him but were blocked by Nomu. It attempted to punch you but you easily dodged and hit him, sending him skidding backwards. You ran at him only for him to turn his back on you, shielding Shigaraki from Midoriya's punch. Your eyes then darted to Tsuyu who was unharmed, it seemed as though Aizawa had blocked Shigaraki's quirk. 

You took the opportunity to try and attack Shigaraki but he jumped out of the way, having Nomu face you instead. "Hiding only shows that you are weak and afraid, face me Shigaraki!", you yelled at him. He chuckled lowly, pointing a finger at you. "I thought that I liked you, you were so strong and fearless but I'm starting to dislike you now. Nomu, kill her. She dug her own grave when she denied us". The birdman ran at you, faster than you could react. Its large fist struck you in the stomach, sending blood rushing up your throat and into your mouth. You coughed it out, now laying below a wall that had been nearly destroyed by your impact against it. You tried to get up and walk back to him, you wanted to fight. How were you supposed to protect your mother if you couldn't win now? But your body was done, you had no energy left and you were injured. You reached up and touched your face, sighing at the sight of blood on your hand. Then it all went black but you did hear one thing which put you to sleep with a smile on your face.


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