23. U.A

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You hopped off the bus with Kuro by your side. "I think I'll hide myself now", he says. He disappears from sight making you feel alone. Your emotionless expression turned sad as you looked around like a lost child searching for their parents. You hear a quiet sigh and feel something take a hold of your hand but when you look there isn't anyone there. "You really are clueless", Kuro chuckles. "Where are you?", you ask, looking in every direction for the shadow boy. You feel one of his slim fingers poke your cheek but you can't see him. "I'm right here, holding your hand like a little kid because it seems like you can't even walk to school by yourself". You blush lightly knowing that he was right. "I can do it perfectly fine, I was just used to your company". "It's not like I can ever leave you, (Y/n)". He reappears, pulling his hand from yours and walking away from you. You watch as he stops a few meters away, trying to walk away only be faced with an invisible forcefield-like wall.  He pushes it as hard as he can but is unsuccessful in his attempt to escape. "No matter how hard I try I must stay by your side". You nod and offer your hand to him. He smirks and happily takes it, disappearing again. "If you don't hurry, you'll be late". You give a small nod and begin walking in the direction of U.A.

It doesn't take long before you find yourself at the gate, you pause to look up at it and the four connected buildings in front of you. You take a deep breath and step through it, feeling a small amount of pressure on your hand. You glance to Kuro who isn't visible but you know he's there. "Remember that if you start talking to me randomly people are going to start thinking you're crazy". He lets go of your hand, leaving you feeling alone once more. You look around for him but can't see any sign of the shadow boy. The sudden feeling of his hands on your shoulders causes you to jump slightly. "How will you ever become a hero if you rely on me for everything". Coming to a realization your eyes widen slightly. Kuro shoves you forcefully forward, chuckling quietly. "I'll leave for a bit but if you need me just call". Before you know it you can't hear or see him, he's as good as gone. But images of the forcefield appear in your mind, it gave you a sense of comfort knowing that even if you couldn't hear or see him he was always going to be there. Taking one last deep breath you continue walking towards the school buildings ahead, a determined look on your face. You were going to become a hero just like your mother and you were going to prove your father wrong. You weren't a villain, you were a hero.

Once inside the main building you followed the signs until you found yourself in front of a large sliding door with a sign labeled '1A' beside it. This was going to be your class, you hesitantly reached out and placed your hand on the door, sliding it open. Inside were most of your new classmates, you recognized some of them from the entrance exam but there were a few you had never seen before. Letting out an inaudible sigh you make your way towards your desk, taking a seat. You pull out your phone and brush the charm out of the way, letting your gaze linger on it for a second. You tried to avoid eye contact with the other students. Sure you wanted to make friends but since it was only luck that you had gotten close Hitoshi you decided to give up on any chance you had, it's not like it worked out anyway.

As you sit there on your phone you can feel the stares of a few of your classmates. You tried to ignore it but it was quite difficult, you seemed to be the only one in class keeping to themselves.  Looking down at your phone you suddenly shivered as a shadow was cast over you. You glanced up only to be met with the sight of a muscular raven-haired boy with glasses. He offers his hand to you and smiles brightly. "Hello there, my name is Tenya Iida. What's your name?". You slowly reached up and shook his hand. "(Y/n) Takeyama". He nods and releases your hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Takeyama". You look down at your phone and sigh. "You can just call me (Y/n) if you like, I'm not too used to being called by my surname". "Of course, well it was nice meeting you, (Y/n)". He then wanders off to scold the angry boy who sat next to you in the entrance exams for putting his feet up on the desk.

Now that you were alone again your gaze drifted around the classroom. Your ears perked up at the sound of the classroom door opening. Your eyes snapped in that direction, landing on a nervous-looking green-haired boy. You recognized him from outside the entrance exam, he was with the girl with the gravity quirk. Now that you looked around you could see that she was in your class also, when she saw him she ran over to greet the boy. She had been standing with the rest of the girls in the class, perhaps she had already made friends with them. You felt a sudden pain in your heart as you noticed the groups that had formed in the small amount of time that the class had been together. And here you were... sitting by yourself.

Noticing something yellow in the hallway you meet the eyes of what you can only describe as a tired looking over-sized caterpillar. It holds your gaze for a second before speaking, scaring the green-haired boy and the students who had come to greet him at the door. Without warning, the front of the caterpillar is unzipped and out steps a tired raven-haired man. "My name is Aizawa Shouta and I will be your homeroom teacher this year, please follow me, I'd like to test your quirks". "But what about the entrance ceremony and orientation?", a girl with spiky black-hair in a ponytail asks. "To become a hero you don't have time for leisurely activities. Now, get ready and meet me outside". Everyone gets up and hurries to get ready. You stand up and pick up your bag, following the girls to the changing room. Inside you secretly worried about the quirk test, what if the small part of your quirk that you can show isn't enough?

I know that this isn't 100% the same as the anime and manga, dialogue-wise, but I'm not going to watch it just to copy everything they say, I think it's boring and a waste of time. Just as long as you know what's happening it should be fine, don't force yourself to write out everything the characters say. Once I read a One punch man fanfic and they wrote out Genos's entire past explanation speech, man they were dedicated but I think it was a bit overkill. Originality is key. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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