19. Without

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open, being met with the face of Kuro staring at you. You jolt slightly, sitting up and moving away from him. "Were you watching me sleep?". He nods and rests his ear in the palm of his hand. "Yeah, I've been doing it ever since you were born". You shivered uncomfortably. "Do you have to do that?". He nods once again. "Well yeah, its my job to watch over you. You shouldn't see it as creepy, a shadow spirit is usually protective of their master". You sigh and get out of bed, heading over to your wardrobe to get some clothing.

You go to get changed but notice Kuro still watching you. "Could you not watch me change?". He shrugs his shoulders. "Nothing I haven't seen before", he smirks. Your cheeks heat up slightly. "Well can you at least turn around". He turns around so his back is to you and allows you to change.

Once you finished changing you heard a knock at the door. The door swung open and your mother smiled softly at you as she entered. Your body froze in place as your eyes darted to where Kuro had been sitting only to see he wasn't there. "What's wrong, sweetie?", your mother worries. You relax and shake your head. "Oh it's nothing, I just thought I saw something". She quietly giggles and smiles once more. "It's good to see you feeling better, now come down stairs and have some breakfast". You give a quick nod. "Yeah sure, I'll be down in a sec". She sends you a wave before closing the door and going back down stairs. 

You go to take a step forward when you feel arms wrap around your waist from behind. Kuro holds your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. "You wanna head down stairs?", he asks. You meet his gaze and nod. "Yeah but what will you do?". He just smirks and lets go of you, petting your head affectionately. "I'll be right by your side". He takes your hand and pulls you toward the door and down the stairs before disappearing. "Morning!", Yu calls. You send her a nod and make your way toward the table, feeling something grab your hand. You look down at it but there is nothing there, nothing but a shadow.


Once you had finished you made your way toward the living room, sitting on the couch. Kuro appeared and rested his arm around your shoulders. "What do you wanna do now?". You grabbed the TV remote and switched it on, noticing that it was on a news report.

"Today is he 10 year anniversary of the threat made by the infamous villain, The Shadow Puppeteer. He threatened to release a creature which he referred to as his marionette. Even after ten years there has been no sign of the creature and barely any activity from The Shadow Puppeteer. We hope that he has given up in his attempts to take over the world but we still worry that his next move will be a big one. Here's a clip".

A video appeared of your father in his usual attire which happened to be a white dress shirt and black pants with a black coat with tails. On top of his head he wore a bowler hat and in his hand he held a cane, not that he needed it. Half of his face was covered in a black mask which he always wore, you had never seen him with it off. "Ladies and gentlemen!", he announces. "I would like to speak about your demise if you don't follow my ways. My marionette be released and will slaughter anyone who does not surrender to me. Your wretched heroes will not come to save you so prepare to-". The TV switched off. You turned your head to see your mother giving you as sad look. "You shouldn't be watching that, honey". You sigh and slouch in your seat. She takes a seat beside you and places a list and some money in your hand. "Would you mind heading to the store and getting a few things for me?". You nod and stand up, now feeling the presence of Kuro walking beside you. 

You left your house, seeing Hitoshi reading a book in front of his house. Kuro appears beside you and smirks. "What are you doing?", you hiss. He shrugs his shoulders, wrapping an arm around your waist. "He was an ass to you, I'd like to see the jealous look on his face when he sees you with another guy". You sigh and allow him to hold your waist. You look up at him just as his smirks gets wider. "He's looking". Before you can stop him he leans down and places a kiss on your forehead. You send him a glare as you push him away. "Aw come on (Y/n)". You start running towards the store, a stabbing pain in your heart.

Kuro is basically your guardian, attached to you by your shadow. I hope everyone understands what he is and his purpose. Hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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