22. Protect you

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"Oi wake up". You groaned and rolled over, pulling the blankets over your head. "Kuro, go away, I told you to stop waking me up". He sighs and pokes your sides through the blankets a few times. "Are you sure? Your alarm didn't go off and you're gonna be late if you don't get up now". Your eyes widen and you jump up suddenly, running over to the other side of your room to slip on your uniform. After you change you turn around to see Kuro sitting on your bed with a smirk on his face. "What a show", he whistles. You blush and glare at him. "As your master, I order you to stop being a pervert and watching me change, it's very creepy". He shrugs his shoulders. "Whatever you want". His eyes linger on your uniform before he smirks, wandering over to you to sling his arm around your shoulders. "You look cute in your uniform". You sigh and send him a sideways glance. "Isn't it your job to protect me not flirt with me?", you question. He shrugs his shoulders as he slips his hands into his pockets. "I found some spare time". You decided that it would be best to just ignore him.

You head out of your bedroom and meet your mother on the stairs. "Darling, come and have some breakfast". You look at the clock on the wall and bite your lips softly. "Will I have time?". She nods. "Of course you will, the train doesn't leave for another half an hour, I know you don't want to be late but you can't miss breakfast". You nod your head and follow her down the stairs, taking a seat at the dining room table. You grab a box of cereal and some milk off of the table and pour both into the bowl in front of you, beginning to eat it. You mother leaves the room causing Kuro to appear in the chair beside yours. You glance up at him and sigh. "You know that I can't be seen with you, right? I don't know how to make up an excuse for the mysterious boy who always happens to be around me, also they won't let you into U.A if you aren't a teacher or student". He nods and reaches into your bowl, taking out a piece of cereal before placing it in his mouth. "Sure thing, you're my master so I've kinda gotta listen to you. I probably won't most of the time because I'm not your slave, I just have to protect you but if it'll save you then I guess I'll listen". You sigh and eat a spoonful. "You really are making this difficult, y'know". He shrugs his shoulders before disappearing again. Your mother enters the room and places a brown paper bag in front of you. "There is some food in there for you so eat it throughout the day and they provide more food at lunch, also...". She places a bag pack on the table. "I have everything you need for school in here, remember if you have any problems to call me or your aunt, but only call her if its an emergency. Yu is very busy during the day with hero work". You give an understanding nod and stand up as you finish your food. "I'll go brush my teeth and then I'll be going". She nods and watches you leave the dining room, heading towards the bathroom.

You look up in the mirror and splash your face with water before fixing your hair. You jump suddenly as you see Kuro standing behind you. "Please don't scare me like that", you scold. He chuckles. "You really are jumpy, you know that". You glare at him in the mirror as you reach for your toothbrush. "I have reasons to be on guard". He lets out an unimpressed tch. "It seems like you're forgetting I'm here". To stop yourself from getting into an argument with the shadow boy that drives you crazy you shove your toothbrush in your mouth.


You leave the bathroom and approach your mother who was currently doing the dishes. You wrap your arms around her from behind, resting your forehead on her back. "I'll be back later, mother". She nods and turns around and places a kiss on your forehead. "I'll be waiting for you when you get home, make sure to make lots of friends and listen to everything your teachers say. You're a smart girl and if you really try then you could possibly get the best marks, please stay safe for me". You nod and fight the smile as she presses her forehead against yours. "I love you"."I love you too, Mother". You pull away and put the food in your backpack before slinging it over your shoulder. You send her one last wave before walking out the front door.

Kuro appears beside you as you walk towards the train station. "Kuro I told you not to show yourself", you say, glaring at him. He sighs and rests his arm around your shoulders. "I'm here to protect you, just let me walk you to and from school, okay? That's all I ask". It was strange hearing something so sincere come from the shadow boy's mouth. You nod your head slowly, your eyes glued to the footpath in front of you. But no matter how hard you tried to keep your eyes on the path in front of you couldn't help but turn to look at the house across the street from yours. Even though now you knew you had the love and care of your mother, aunt and possibly Kuro you couldn't help but want more.

Even though he doesn't seem to want anything to do with you, you can't help but want everything from him... I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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