◇Chapter 001◇

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5 months after the gate is closed...

"El, wanna go for a walk?" Mike asked his girlfriend as he wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind.

She giggled and leaned back into him and closed her eyes. "Sure... but in a minute." El turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. He pulled her close and hugged back, pressing a kiss against her head, "I love you," she whispered and buried her face in his neck.

"I love you more," Mike said, a smile on his lips. El shook her head and pressed her lips against his. He obliged and returned the kiss, pulling her closer.

She smiled against his lips and pulled away slightly. "Okay now lets go." She slipped on one of Mike's hoodies and walked over to the door where he was waiting.

Mike blushed slightly when he saw her outfit. Opening the door, she took his hand and pulled him outside and into the cool air. The young couple walked along the street, hand in hand.

Cold air blew around them and the leaves on the trees were blowing in the spring breeze. El's dark hair blew around her face, and to Mike, she looked gorgeous. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close and she snuggled into his side as they walked.

"Wanna go to the lake?" Mike asked quietly as he brushed a strand of her curly hair behind her ear.

"Sure," El replied and they began walking down a gravel path.

A van drove by the path. Then another one. They both stopped in front of the path. El could hear car engines behind them but she didnt think anything of it and continued to walk hand in hand with Mike down the gravel path to the clearing, completely distracted with her love for Mike.

The car engines began to grow louder. El turned around, a look of panic crossed her face. "Mike, run!" She grabbed his wrist and pulled him along the gravel path.

"Whats happening?" Mike asked as they ran through the trees.

"Lab, vans, papa, run!" El looked back over her shoulder at the white vans that were driving up and down the street and following them along the path.

That was all Mike needed to hear. He wasn't going to let anyone take El, the girl he loved, away from him, never again. With a determined look set on his face, he and El ran together through the trees, trying to hide from the white vans that were around them.

They ran into a clearing, only to be stopped by a voice. "Eleven."

El winced, reconizing the voice and slowly turned around to see Brenner standing there; a gun in his hand and about 5 other people behind him, all holding guns

Her heart began to pound in her chest as she reached down and took Mike's hand again, her eyes never leaving Brenner. Fear clouded her mind; she was frozen. Seeing Brenner again brought back memories of torture and control. Those were memories El had long forgotten, until now.

"W-why are y-you here?" Her voice wavered slightly.

"Eleven, my dear, I'm here to take you home," Brenner said with a bittersweet tone. "Oh you are so grown up now."

"Home? The lab isn't my home," El said, trying to stand her ground, but fear had taken over her mind.

Brenner loaded his gun and pointed it at the ground in front of them, letting  bullet puncture the grass at their feet. Mike and El jumped apart, fear streaked across their faces. "Come home Eleven... or I shoot him." He pointed the gun at Mike.

El had to resist the urge to scream but took a shakey breath and stepped forward. She could hear Mike's please calling to her. "I-I'll come... home... just let me say goodbye to him. Please?" Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked down at the bullet in the grass.

Brenner sighed and she ran to Mike. He pulled her into his embrace."El please. I can't lose you again. I can't live without you. We'll get out of here. Dont leave me! El please, I'm begging you. We'll find a way, just-" A few tears ran down his cheek as he gripped her hand tightly..

"Theres no other way.... I cant take out this many people. P-promise me you'll find me, okay?" El whispered, the tears in her eyes threatened to spill.

"I promise I'll find you. I love you El. Don't forget t-that," Mike whispered back and squeezed her hand.

"I love you too..." She pressed a quick kiss against his lips before walking to the vans parked by the path. Sobs racked in her chest as she was pushed into a van and driven to the lab.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Time to start the new experiment, Eleven," Brenner said as they drove to the lab. El wasn't paying attention; Mike was the only thing on her mind.

Mike went back home, tears ran down his face. As he walked inside, Karen came to the door. "Michael?" She pulled her crying son into a hug. "What happened? Where's El?"

"I-I lost her again. I l-lost El. It's all my fault! It's all my fault!" Mike cried. Reality had finally hit him; he had lost the girl he loved for the second time.

And that was the day Mike and El lost eachother... again.

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