◇Chapter 019◇

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"O- blood, huh? Where did this question come from?" Dr. Owens asked as he took a sip of beer."It's a rare blood type."

"I know that much. Just answer my question." Hopper said, sitting down in a chair across from Owens. They were currently in a bar near the police station.

"For a blood tranfusion, a person with O- blood can only receive blood from another person with the same blood type. Only O- people can receive O- blood." Owens replied as Hopper lit a cigarette.

"There's no loophole with that? You sure about this?" Hopper asked, downing his beer.

"No loopholes in science, my friend. Science is just science"


El nibbled on an Eggo as she watched her friends around her. Dustin, Lucas and Max were playing with the Atari game system while Will watched. Steve was shooting pieces of paper and plastic cups in attempt to make them fall.

Mike's arm was wrapped around El's shoulder as her dark eyes darted around the room. A strange sense of nervousness fill her body; it was strong enough to make her feel sick.

Mike noticed her discomfort and asked, "You okay?"

El managed to nod slightly and push away the fear that suddenly flooded her mind. This couldn't have been another episode, not this suddenly. She wanted to scream and yell at the world for being unfair. She wanted to tell Mike what was wrong but her tongue was caught.

"M-Mike,"El started, trying to push herself to say what was on her mind.

"Yeah El? You okay?" He asked as everyone's eyes landed on her.

"I...I.." The words caught in her throat as she tried to make herself tell him, but a little voice in the back of her head wouldn't let her.

She was a puppet on strings that could be pulled any which way.

Her eyes glassed over and she felt as if her mind was freezing; speaking was difficult and thinking became impossible. She could almost feel the invisible strings tying around her wrists and around her mind, bending her to It's will.

"El? El," Mike shook her shoulders gently.

The other kids crowded around her as the world around her flickered. "Move over," Steve said, crouching down infront of El and Mike. "Kid, you okay? Say something."

Her eyes were focused on the table infront of her, glancing over the documents that Hopper had brought. One of the documents began to levitate a few feet away from her. Just by moving her eyes, she pulled the document close to her.

Mike glanced at the paper infront of him. "The experiment papers from Experiment #74?" Max asked, speaking Mike's thoughts for him.

"Why does she need those?" Lucas said, glancing at El.

"She isn't in control of herself. "He's looking at the paper." Mike said quickly, referring to the monster.   He looked back at El, "El, look at me."

When she didn't respond, he asked again, "El it's Mike. I know you're in there. Look at me."

She slowly turned her head to face him, the document still levitating in the air infront of her. Her skin was pale and her eyes were a dark shade of green. A slightly demonic smile crossed her face, until she met Mike's eyes.

Her smile wavered as El gained control of herself, "H-h-help." She managed to stutter before she lost control of herself again.

The monster was getting stronger the longer It was in El's body and there was nothing anyone could do to stop the monster from using her as It's puppet.

With a quick flick of her wrist, the levitating  document  ripped into pieces and the remains fluttered onto the floor. El stood up and walked stiffly towards the basement door, flinging it open with a simple look.

Mike grabbed her wrist and pulled her back towards him, her skin cold to the touch. He pulled her into his chest and her body froze momentarily. "El, I know you're in there. Come on, please! I love you!" He pressed his lips against hers, hoping that the warmth would help her gain control.

Her eyes fluttered closed as he kissed her, the warmth sending waves of pain and comfort through her body. He let go of her and waited for any reaction from his girlfriend.

Her eyes opened and were brown, the colour of chocolate. Mike exhaled and turned around, glancing at everyone else. "I think she's okay now."

Everyone let go of a breath they'd been holding as El's eyes fell to the wooden floor. She didn't say a word, neither did she move. El stood stiffly in her spot, as if she was still realising what had just happened.

"At least she didn't go all crazy this time." Max said, glancing at El.

Steve nodded, "Yeah. Luckily she's okay now and I don't have to explain to Hopper why she went all weird on us again."

"I don't think she is okay!" Dustin shouted, pointing at El.

"Michael." A soft, bittersweet voice said.

Mike's heart skipped a beat as he slowly  turned around to meet a pair of green eyes and a demonic smile. "No warmth. He likes it cold." She said in a sickly sweet tone that made Mike shiver. "Everything cold. No heat. No warmth. No love."

Her voice sounded empty and cold, as if her heart had been etched in ice. Her gaze was cold and distant and her face was pale and sunken in. She looked dead, or at least, someone who should be dead.

"Shit shit shit shit shit." Dustin mumbled, stepping closer to Steve.

"Hold on, I got this." Steve took a few steps closer to El, testing her limits. He slowly made his way and stood infront of her. El's eyes followed him with each step he took. "See, she's fine."

El made a flicking motion with her fingers and Steve flew back and into the wall across the room. "Mike, tell your girlfriend to stop hurting me!"

"There's a monster in her! You do it!" Mike spoke up.

Will added, "You're the adult here."

"She- That- It just threw me into a wall; what the fuck do you expect me to do?" Steve shouted, slowly standing up. "Give her a hug like Wheeler did?"

"It worked last time." Mike said defensively.

"Give her eggos or something." Lucas spoke up.

"Or chocolate pudding." Dustin added.

"I'm not in the mood to get my neck  snapped so I'm not going near her!" Steve replied.

"Some babysitter you are then," Max scoffed. "You couldn't take on my step brother, now you can't take on a monster. There's no difference between them!"

"Since when did you fight Max's brother?" Will asked Steve.

"Step brother." Max corrected. "It was when you were possessed. Steve got his ass kicked to Maine."

"Shut up you little-"

"All of you shut up," Mike snapped, "El get back here. You're not leaving again." He ran out the basemnt door and grabbed El's wrist.

She had made an attempt to leave as the party and Steve had been talking. She had nearly made it to the main road.

"I'm not letting you leave again," Mike said, pulling her back towards the house. "You're staying here."

El tilted her head and looked at Mike, "Make me." A smirk flickered across her lips.

She blinked once and Mike flew back a few feet, crashing into the grass near the house. Mike met her eyes and could instantly see the regret that flickered in them. She ran down the road faster than she normally could, heading for one unknown destination.

"Where is she going?" Max asked and she watched El run down the road.

"That lab," Mike said, "Where else would she go?"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Make sure you hit the star button on the way out.

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