◇Chapter 020◇

475 41 13



Find the gate.

El nearly screamed as she heard the voice in her head. She walked through the hallways of the lab, unable to control herself. It had control over her voice and her actions, leaving her completely helpless.

She wanted Mike. No, more like she needed Mike by her side. The other part of her that still understood what was happening was panicking. El knew what the monster wanted, and she knew she was helpless against the control she was under.

El had become a weapon, a spy and puppet; all the things that she had left behind and never wanted to be again.

She raised her hand, throwing open a door. She felt herself being pulled forward, as if being pulled by a rope.  El saw where It wanted her to go, what it wanted her to do.

El wanted to cry and run away and out of the lab but her feet were stuck in place, giving her only one way to go. She wanted to yell for Mike to help her. At the house, it had pained her heart to have hurt Mike, but no matter how hard to had tried she couldn't have seemed to shake off the control the monster had on her.

She looked up at the gate in front of her. The gate El had once closed was full of little gaps, like it was breaking open, or being forced open. Her hand raised up to the gate, her body shaking with effort to force her hand down.

She triggered her powers and watched in pain and heartbreak as the gate she had once closed began to open before her eyes. The gaps in the gate began to grow bigger; the gate had begun to open back to its original size with the help of El's powers.


"How can you be sure that she's at the lab?" Steve asked as he turned off of Mirkwood.

"I just know, okay." Mike replied, looking out at the road ahead of them.

Steve had agreed to drive the kids to the lab in his car. He and Mike sat in the front while the other 4 kids argued in the back seat.

"Steve can you move your seat up?" Dustin complained.


"Its bad enough being stuck in the backseat with Lukey, William and Maxine." Dustin muttered, hiding a smirk.

"Don't call me that!" The other 3 kids shouted as Mike's mind began to wander.

Mike thought about 1984, the year he got El back and Will was possessed. He thought about how they had gotten the monster out of Will and why the same method didn't work for El.

"Whats everyone's blood type?" Mike asked suddenly.



"The fuck?"

"I said, what is everyone's blood type?" Mike asked impatiently, an idea forming in his head.

Steve shook his head, "Kid, thats not just something people know off the top of their heads. Most people dont kno-"

"B-Positive." Max said suddenly, earning a look from everyone. "What? I know my blood type and you guys don't; girls are smarter than guys so it makes sense why i know."

Steve shook his head again, "Well okay then."

"Dustin probably has chocolate pudding running through his veins," Lucas muttered.

"He's not wrong." Dustin shrugged.

"Why is that so important Mike?" Will asked curiously.

"It's not... I was just thinking about something Mr.Clark taught us... Thats all." Mike replied, shaking his head. The idea still lingered in his mind; how to actually do his idea was still unknown to him.

"Do you guys see that?" Dustin asked, pointing to the lab as Steve pulled into the parking lot.

A red colour tinted the air near the lab. It was barely noticable to anyone beyond the lab gates but the discoloration was there.

"Holy shit, what is that?" Max asked, "That's not normal."

"No shit." Mike said, getting out of the car after Steve stopped the car.

He began to run towards the buldimg doors, ignoring his friends' shouts in protest. Steve shook his head and ran after Mike, the rest of the kids following close behind.

"Mike wait!" Will shouted, following his friend inside the lab, everyone close behind.

Mike pushed open the door to the gate room and stopped, his eyes wide. Everyone else came to a stop behind him, staring at the scene in front of them.

"E-El?" Mike managed to say, taking a step into the room, gazing at the red haze that lingered in the air.

She didn't reply, or turn her head. She stood in front of the gate with her arms raised. The gaps in the gate were wider, slowly opening; the shadow of the Mind Flayer lingered behind the gate.

As Mike walked closer, he could see how her body was shaking and how hard she was trying to fight against the control. He walked down the main floor, standing merily a few feet away from her.

"H-Holy shit." That was all Mike could say as he took a closer look at her.

Confused, Steve and the rest of the kids made their way to the main floor, stopping beside Mike.

"W-what is she doing?" Will asked nervously, taking a step back as he saw the Mind Flayer lingering behind the gaps that were getting wider with each minute.

El stood in front of the gate with her arms raised. Vines from inside the gate and along the walls had wrapped themselves around her ankles and legs, keeping her in place. Her face was pale and her eyes bloodshot and tired. The veins across her neck and wrists were dark and her chest rose and fell with effort as she used her powers.

Mike walked to her side, carefully stepping over the vines that held El in place. He brushed a strand of her hair back; she didn't even flinch as he did so. Her skin felt like ice against his fingers and her entire body seemed frozen in place, under control.

"S-shes opening the gate again. It's making her open the gate."

*play dramatic music here*
Dont forget to press the star on your way out.

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