◇Chapter 021◇

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"What the hell do we do?" Max asked, staring at the girl in front of her.

"I-I don't know," Mike managed to say. He waved a hand in front of El's face, only to get no reply.

"Steve help us." Will said, literally hiding behind Dustin. His face was pale from fear and he couldn't seem to stand still as he gazed at the gate before them.

"I don't know; Wheeler, kiss her or something." Steve said, walking to Mike's side and gently pushing El's arm to hopefully receive some sort of response from the girl.

"That worked once, I doubt it will work again." Mike shook his head, gazing at his girlfriend, then at the gate nervously. "The monster is getting stronger."

"No shit," Dustin spoke up, nibbling on a piece of chocolate nervously.

"How can you eat at a time like this?" Lucas asked, rolling his eyes at Dustin.

Dustin shrugged in reply and handed Lucas some chocolate, who in the end, took it without complaint.

"Boys..." Max shook her head and muttered, "How did I even end up here...?" She walked past Mike and shook El's shoulders, trying to get her attention.

"Move." El said in a cold, rough voice. She blinked once and Max went flying back into the corner of the room.

Mike had to restrain a laugh as he glanced at Max sprawled out on the side of the room. She slowly got to her feet and cracked her neck, "Now I'm pissed. I will-" Max started, heading towards El.

"Max. Don't." Lucas raised an arm to block her. She stopped and he brought her back a bit, slowly diffusing her anger.

"Guys," Will said softly, his face pale as he glanced up at the gate as it fully opened back to its original size.

The group stopped for a moment to stare at what had happened, the shadow of the monster lingered visibly behind the gate. El lowered her arms and the vines around her legs and ankles loosened and crept back onto the wall.

El stood still for a moment before collapsing onto the ground, her eyes closed and her breathing slow. Mike was first to her side,  immeadiatly sitting down next to her unconscious form and placing her head on his lap.

"El? El can you hear me?" Mike shook her gently, trying to get any response from her. "Come on El, please." His heart began to race as he looked down at his girlfriend.

"Mike calm down, she just passed out." Max said, brushing the dirt off of her jacket.

"How can I calm down when my girlfriend could be dying right now, huh? How do you expect me to stay calm." Mike glared at her with such coldness that Lucas had to step in to stop them from killing each other.

"Kids calm down." Steve interrupted, kneeling down next to Mike and the unconscious form of El. He gently pressed 2 fingers against her neck, sighing in relief as he felt a faint pulse. "She'll be okay. She has a pulse."

"Oh thank god," Mike whispered, gently pulling El into his arms, intertwining her cold fingers with his warm ones.

"Guys c-can we please go?" Will managed to say, slowly walking back towards the door, his eyes focused on the gate. "I-It's starring at me."

Everyone took a glance up at the gate and the shadow before nodding. Steve gently picked up El and carried her back outside and to his car, soon realizing that there wouldn't be enough room for them all.

"I'll hold her," Mike spoke up, sitting down in the passengers seat and pulling El into his arms. Her head fell onto his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her cold form.

The others go into the back seat as Steve started the car and took off out of the parking lot and back towards the Wheeler's house. No one said a word the entire way home; everyone glanced at El, then at the road and back again.

El shifted slightly in his arms, a soft whimper escaping her throat. Her eyelids fluttered but she closed them again, the bright sunlight giving her a headache. She soon realized that she was okay; maybe she hadn't opened the gate and Mike had stopped her just in time. She was okay and safe.

"We'll be home soon El. And you're gonna be okay, I promise." Mike whispered against her forehead as he ran his fingers through her curls.

"P-p-promise?" El managed to say, her voice cracking slightly.

"Yes, I promise." Mike couldn't help but smile and say, "When was the last time I ever broke my promises to you?"

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