◇Chapter 025◇

393 23 14

Mike locked eyes with El for a moment, the chaotic room around them seeming to slow. Her eyes flickered back to their original chocolate colour and a small smile formed on her lips, making Mike grin. His grin began to fade as he watched the light began to fade from her dark eyes and her smile began to falter.

"Hopper, hurry up! I'm losing her." Mike shouted, pushing El back so she was laying on the metal table.

"I got the blood, we can fix her." Hopper replied, bringing over a small medical bag filled with Will's blood.

"This better work," Steve yelled from across the room, swinging his bat at the demodogs who began to come closer, "I'm sick of getting slime on my bat!"

"You complain too much." Max shouted, jumping out of the reach of a monster's claws.

Lucas muttered, "And he calls us shitheads?"

Dustin shrugged in reply and ran behind Steve, avoiding the demodogs.

Meanwhile, Will sat on a chair near the wall, a bandage wrapped around his arm and a juice box in his hand that had obviously come from Dustin's backpack. Joyce stood at El's side, trying to calm down the possessed girl long enough so Hopper could began the transfusion. Mike ran to the cabinets on the side of the room and began searching through them, finally finding an old coil of wire that could work as a restraint.

Hopper and Mike tightly wrapped the wire around her wrists and torso, pinning her hands down at her sides while El screamed and thrashed on the metal table. It absolutely hurt Mike's heart to see the girl he loved like this, but deep down he knew this was the only way to bring his girlfriend back and get rid of the evil that had possessed her body. Hopper connected the bag of blood to the needle that was previously placed in her arm and watched as the blood spilt down the plastic tube and through the needle. The moment the blood hit El's infected blood, she began to thrash more, trying to break her restraints.

"Will you guys hurry up? These monsters don't seem to be stopping!" Max yelled, getting knocked to the ground by a demodog. Steve quickly ran over to her, fighting the monster off of her.

Moment later the blood bag was empty and its contents were now in El's blood stream. She continued to scream and thrash, her body shaking and her eyes flickering from brown to blue continuously. "What's happening to her?" Lucas asked, running over from the fight.

"Her blood is infected with the upside down, so the blood we gave El now is cleaning out her bloodstream, making the Mind Flayer lose control." Will spoke up.

"Okay that's specific." Steve added, giving Will a look.

"It's just a guess," Will held up his hands, "Jeez, you get possessed once and people never look at you the same..."

"We have to do something about the monsters, they won't stop." Max sighed, kicking a monster back as it came too close to her for her liking.

"I have an idea." Mike said. He reached into Hopper's pocket and pulled out his lighter. "Steve come on!"

"Kid what are you doing?" Steve asked, following Mike anyways, killing any monsters that came near.

Mike had managed to make his way to the gate, "We did this once, why not again?" He flipped open the lighter and threw it into the gate, watching as the Upside Down and the vines that had once held El captive blew up into a fiery haze and the monsters around them let out shrieks of pain. He looked back at El who continued to thrash on the table, watching as black veins began to creep up her neck and wrists.


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