◇Chapter 003◇

734 50 82

A month later

Mike's POV

I seriously think the universe hates me. Like, first Will goes missing, then El, then El again! This is bullshit. Pure Bullshit. I keep calling El, hoping I can hear anything from the lab, but the static is dead. It's been 70 days since the love of my life was taken from me, again. I'm not giving up hope. I'm going to find a way to get El back.

It had become a routine, again; calling El every night at 11:11pm. Max always says that that time is meant for making wishes, so I call El at that time every night, hoping my wish to hear her voice will come true. But so far, her logic hasn't worked. I call bullshit on Max's logic.

I looked over at the clock to see the time. 11:10pm. I quickly got up from my seat on the couch and crawled into the blanket fort. I held the supercom with one hand and I turned the dial to find a blank channel.

Just as the clock turned to 11:11, I pressed the button and began to speak. "El, its day 70. I dont know if you can hear me, but if you can, please give me a sign. I need to know if you're okay. I've been talking to Hopper and he's planning a rescue mission for you." I took a shaky breathe and continued. "I hope you're okay El. You are the strongest and bravest person I know, and I know you'll be okay, but still, please just tell me if you are. When we find Brenner, I promise i'll kick his ass," I couldn't help but smile as I said that. "I'll be there soon, El. I love you."

I set the supercom down and stared at in for a minute, hoping for some sort of response. But the line stayed dead. I sighed and trudged upstairs and into my room and flopped onto the bed and shut my eyes tightly. Images of El flashed through my mind and pain stabbed me in the heart again. I rubbed my eyes and and turned my head to my bedside table. A smile formed on my lips as I looked at the sliver picture frame. Inside was a picture of El and I at the Snowball. The Snowball had been one of the best nights of my life.

I remember us slow dancing together and us kissing during our dance. I remembered how beautiful she looked when she walked through the gym doors wearing that gorgeous dress. I remembered the happiness I felt when I saw her; I think that's when I truly realized how much I loved her.

I brushed my hand against my cheek and felt the familiar wetness running down my face. Tears. My heart ached and I began to cry harder as I curled up on my bed and closed my eyes. God, I missed her so much. Slowly, the thoughts disappeared from my head as I drifted into sleep.


'Mike... Mike...' A soft, yet familier voice whispered in my head.

I looked at the area around me; it was pitch black. I turned around to see a person standing behind me; El. Her beautiful eyes looked dark and dull and her skin was pale.

She gazed at me with sad, tried eyes and I noticed a new scar on her forearm. The skin around the scar was dark, like a bruise.

'El, are you okay? Where are you?' I pressed my hand against her cold cheek.

'Upside Down," she said quietly. 'They sent me here. I need you to save me, please. '

Panic struck my heart at her words, 'El I'll find you, I promise. Please try to stay sa-"

My words died in my mouth. Her eyes. El's once brown eyes were now lighter, almost blue and green. Her eyes glassed over as she smiled at me coldly and flicked her wrist, tossing me back a few feet. I hit the "ground" and I groaned in pain. When I looked back up to where she was standing, she was gone. I was alone in the darkness of the void.

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