◇Chapter 026◇

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"It's working!" Mike shouted, more relieved than excited. He looked back the gate, the blaze of the flame reflecting in his dark eyes. Mike grinned and looked back at El who continued to thrash and scream on the metal table.

"Come on kid," Hopper muttered under his breath, placing a hand on El's chest to keep her body pinned against the table.

In a final yell, the black smoke of the monster left her body, causing El's head to fall back onto the metal table, her skin pale and dark circles around her eyes, "El," Mike breathed, placing his hand on her chest and the pulse point on her neck, searching for her heartbeat. "I-I can't feel a heartbeat," He whispered, tears forming in his eyes.

Steve and the rest of the kids made their way over to the table as Hopper began to cut the wire restraints off of the girl. Everyone stood around the table silently, unable to process any words to break the silence. Mike gently ran a hand through El's hair, trying to hold back his tears.

"Kid," Steve said softly, breaking the silence. He gently placed an arm around Mike's shoulders, noticing how hard he was trying to keep it together in front of everyone else.

Mike pushed Steve's arm off of him and walked through the hole in the wall into the room with the gate. The flame had died down at the mouth of the gate and a scatter of black ash filled the area. Mike stood there for a moment, his eyes slightly wide in amazement as he looked up at the gate before him. That moment of awe was broken by the feeling of something crawling up his arm. Mike jumped and ran his hand down his arm, pushing a small slug off of him and onto the floor.

He checked his arm, noticing a small, thin mark on his inner elbow/crease of his arm. Mike sighed and brushed his hand over his arm again. "Mike come here," Lucas shouted, "We got a heartbeat!"

"What?" Mike called, thinking he had heard Lucas wrong.

"She's alive Mike," Dustin shouted, his voice echoing, "so stop being depressed and get over here!"

Mike felt his heart skip a beat, completely forgetting about the mark on his arm. El was his only concern. He turned and ran back to the table, his eyes immediately landing on his girlfriend. El's eyes were closed, her chest rising and falling ever so slightly. Her eyes were dark and her skin was pale, slowly staring to gain the colour her completion had lost.

"Please wake up for me El," Mike mumbled, not noticing that he had said those words out loud, "I need you please." He ran his fingers through her hair, silently praying for some kind of reply from her.

"Mike..." El said softly, slowly opening her tired eyes and looking up at her boyfriend.

Mike grinned and pulled her into his arms, "How are you feeling?

"Like I've been spun around too many times."

Hopper placed a kiss to El's head, "God I'm glad you're okay kid."

El smiled softly and curled into Mike, letting her eyes close. Mike kissed her forehead, running his fingers through her dark hair. She looked up at Mike, a smile on her lips though she looked exhausted.

Will walked over to El, "Is it gone?"

She simply nodded, understanding what he meant. El looked around at the others, "Can we go home?"

"Please," The other 5 kids said in unison.

"This place smells like a sewer," Max sighed, giving El a small smile and turning towards the door.

"This place smells like somewhere a killer would live. Like a killer clown or something," Lucas added, smiling at El and following after Max.

"Okay now you sound insane," Will shook his head,walking out the doors.

"That sounds like a horror book." Dustin said, "Killer clown that lives in a sewer who murders people."

"Oh shut up shitheads," Steve rolled his eyes, ruffling El's hair gently before leaving the room.

"We'll give you two a minute," Joyce said softly, pulling Hopper out of the room.

Mike looked down at his girlfriend, the grin he had never fading as he leant down to gently kiss her lips. She smiled and almost eagerly kissed back, making Mile chuckle gently. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, pressing kisses to the top of her head, making her laugh softly and curl into him further.

"Let's go home El," Mike said softly, taking her hand.

"Home and eggos?"

"Yeah, home; you can have all the eggos you want."

The End

Thank you to everyone who stuck with this book and I hope you all enjoyed. I may post a sequel in the future. Thank you all so much and I love you -Mya/Milheaven ❤

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