◇Chapter 014◇

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Steve suddenly came running in through the front door, his baseball bat in one hand and the white syringe filled with sedative in the other.

"Demodogs," Steve said, as he wiped blood and slime off his baseball bat.

"They're trying to stop us from getting that thing out of El," Hopper muttered, taking the syringe out of Steve's hand.

"No," El said, tossing the syringe back and into a corner of the room. Her eyes blazed coldly as the window shattered and a demodog ran into the room.

"How many times do I have to replace that window?" Joyce muttered as Hopper shot the monster and it crumpled to the floor. More monsters broke through the window and stood in front of El, hissing and growling.

Hopper and Steve began hitting and shooting the monsters while everyone else looked around the room for the syringe and Mike tried to reason with El.

"El, please! Stop this! Don't let it control you!" Mike pleaded.

"She doesn't- I don't love you Mike! I hate you! You let the monster get me! It's your fault this all happened! Everything is to your fault; it's always been your fault!" El screamed coldly.

Mike knew the words were fake; deep down he knew she loved him. But the words still struck his heart and left him hurt.

Their eyes met for a moment. Mike saw the flicker of pain that flashed in her cold eyes. She was still there, stuck in a world of coldness and pain. He had to get to her, somehow.

"Y-you don't mean that El," Mike said calmly, walking closer to El. "I know you love me. It's controlling you, we both know that. I love you El, I called you for 353 days because I love you so much. And I know you love me too."

"Mi-" Her voice caught in her throat. "I hate you Mike Wheeler. I never loved you."

Tears filled his eyes as he tried to push the cold words out of his head. Mike placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her, her cold lips feeling like electric bolts against his.

Mike pulled back slightly as he ran his thumb across her cheekbone. The world around them faded as El mumbled a single word. "M-Mike."

"I found it!" Max shouted. "Wheeler, catch!"

Mike snapped out of his daze and turned around, catching the syringe filled with sedative. He looked back at El's eyes, seeing the coldness fill them again.

"I'm sorry El," Mike said softly, before stabbing the syringe into her neck. Her knees buckled and Mike caught her arms as she fell unconscious. He laid her on the couch and quickly wiped his eyes, destroying the evidence of any tears.

He turned around, looking at the dead demodog corpses that were scattered around the floor.

"Now what?" Will asked, looking at El's body.

"We use heat and burn it out of her," Hopper said. "Joyce, do you have any rope from when we did this last time?"

"Yeah, but," Joyce ran her fingers through her hair, "it's in the shed."

Everyone went silent, realising that someone would have to go outside, where they were vunerable to the Demodogs that possibly lingered near by.

"I'll go," Mike and Will said in unison, breaking the silence.

"She's my girlfriend," Mike said.

"She saved me, I should return the favor," Will replied.

"I don't want either of you kids going, but-" Hopper pulled out a gun and placed it in Mike's hand.

"It's locked and loaded, don't point it at eachother." Hopper muttered, "Finally, Wheeler has a real weapon for once..." He thought about Mike's candlestick.

"Will, please, I'm begging you, be careful," Joyce pleaded.

"Harrington, go with them," Hopper instructed.

"Why me?" Steve whined, earning a death glare from Hopper. "Let's go, shitheads." Steve grabbed his bat and walked into the backyard with the two kids.

They quickly ran into the shed and slammed the door closed. Will rummaged through boxes and shelves until he found rope and the heaters from when he was possessed.

"Okay, let's go ba-" Mike started.

"Shh," Steve said and looked out of a hole in the shed wall. A demodog had just entered the Byers' yard and it was staring directly at the shed.

"Shit," Mike whispered as he looked at the monster that was staring directly at the shed where they were hiding.

"Give me that gun," Steve said, taking it from Mike's hand and aiming it through the hole in the wooden wall. He rested his finger against the trigger and fired, hitting the demodog in the head.

"Nice shot," Will muttered as they began running to the house, his arms filled with rope while Mike and Steve held the heaters.

"Are you kids okay?" Joyce asked, running her fingers through her son's hair.

"We're fine, mom," Will said, placing the rope on the kitchen table. Hopper had dragged the couch into the middle of the room; El still laid unconscious across it.

"Boys," Joyce looked at Max, "and girl." She gave Max an apologetic look. "Can you plug in the heaters?"

The party (+ Steve) went to work, plugging in heaters while Joyce and Hopper restrained El's arms and legs with the rope. Mike glanced at his girlfriend's unconscious form multiple times, worry and fear washing over him each and every time.

"Hey, Mike? Can you plug this in?" Lucas asked, waiting for a reply which he didn't receive. "Earth to Mike!"

He blinked at looked at Lucas, snapping out of his daze. "Yeah sorry, I'll do it." Mike took the heater out of Lucas's hands.

"She'll be okay, kid." Steve clapped his hand against Mike's shoulder reassuringly. "She's strong."

Mike nodded absent-mindlessly as he stared at El, who's fingers twitched slightly. "She's waking up," Mike said nervously.

Her eyes fluttered open and darted around the room, before looking at the restraints. "Why am I tied up?" She twisted her wrists, "Let me go! Let me go now!" El's cold eyes met Mike's, "Mike don't let them hurt me! Mike please! Please!"

Mike shook his head and knelt down next to one of the heaters. "I-I love El, but not this El." He turned the dial on the heater and warmth filled the room.

Nancy and Jonathan will be in the next chapter.

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