◇Chapter 015◇

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El let out a scream as her body strained against the rope bonds. The heat felt like hot knives in her skin, and the pain was nearly unbearable.

"Mike! Don't you love me?" El screamed and thrashed as the room got hotter.

"I need my El back, not this El," Mike said, his voice wavered.

"You promised me Mike! You said that you would never hurt me!" El screamed through her pain, making Mike's heart shatter. She managed to pull one of her wrists free and began trying to untie the other rope.

"Hopper stop this, it's not working!" Mike shouted, the sight of his girlfriend in pain unbearable.

"You're going to kill her!" Max said as Joyce hesitantly tied the rope around her wrist again.

"It's hurts, stop!" El cried. "Let me go! Let me go now!"

Will stood back in shock. "Is this what you guys did to me?"

"Not the time for this, Will," Joyce muttered, turning the heat up higher.

"Chief, are you sure this is safe?" Steve asked, slightly concerned.

"It's not, but it worked last time," Hopper replied before El managed to break her wrist free again and grab Hopper's arm and dig her nails into his bandaged arm.

Hopper yelled as her nails dug into the cuts. "Let me go, let me go!" El screamed repeatedly as a sob built in her chest. "It's hurts, stop please."

Mike closed his eyes, the pain and hurt unbearable. Lucas wrapped an arm around Mike's shoulders and turned him away from El. Her screams echoed in his head and if he could, he would do anything to stop her pain.

But in order to get El back, this is what had to be done.

El still had her nails dug into Hopper's arm and the party began slowly turning up the heat. El's screams and cries only increased as the room became boiling hot.


"I had a lot of fun tonight," Nancy said as she and Jonathan walked back to his house.

"I did too," he replied before noticing Hopper's truck and the kids' bikes in the front yard. "Is your brother here?"

Nancy shook her head. "It wouldn't make sense why he would be here right now." A loud scream pierced the silence. "What was that?"

"I don't know," Jonathan said. "Come on."

He and Nancy climbed through his bedroom window and sat on his bed. The screaming only grew louder. "I'm going to go see what's happening." Nancy stood up and opened the door, her eyes widened.


"What the hell is happening?" Nancy asked, before noticing El.

"We're just watching a movie and hanging out." Dustin rolled his eyes. "What do you think we're doing?"

"Nancy?" Mike asked.

"Mike?" Nancy raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you here?" they asked in unison.

Jonathan walked into the living room. "Not again," he mumbled.

"Jonathan, pass me that rope!" Joyce shouted, trying to get El. Nancy grabbed a match and lit the fireplace, adding more heat to the room.

El let out a scream as the black smoke of the monster came out of her and flew out the window. Her body slackened against the bonds, her eyes fluttered closed. Mike ran to her side and untied the bonds. Her wrists were red and her skin was warm.

"El?" Mike ran his thumb across her cheekbone and squeezed her arm.

"Ow, you mouthbreather." El sat up and leaned against Mike tiredly.

"I'm glad you're okay El," Mike hugged her gently. "You had me so worried and scared and.. And I-"

"Mike, I'm okay," El said softly, her wrists aching from the tight restraints.

"I'm glad you're okay kid." Hopper rubbed her back gently, before excepting hugs from her friends.

Mike wrapped his arms around her again and hugged her tight, not wanting to let go.

"Everything is okay Mike," El whispered, closing her dark eyes. "I'm okay now."

And everything was okay. But for how long?

You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?

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