◇Chapter 024◇

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"Oh shit," Steve sighed, speaking everyone's feelings and thoughts for them.

"Okay we need to do this now," Hopper instructed, walking back to the girl on the metal table. He picked up a needle and attached it to a machine before gently placing the needle in her arm. After Hopper attached a few more needles and pieces of equipment to El, the machine next to the table whirred to life and began to pick up the patterns of El's beating heart.

A cool breeze blew through the gaps in the wall, making El's unconscious body shiver and her hair fly around her head. Mike stood at El's side while Joyce drew a sample of blood from El's arm. Mike sighed, brushing El's wild curls back while Steve and the other kids stood by the crumbling wall, peering through the gaps at the gate that stood before them.

Hopper pulled a piece of paper from his pocket, quickly glancing at it and proceeding to test the sample. After a few minutes Hopper said, "It's O-, just like the papers said. Now I have to see who has O- also."

"So you're gonna stab all of us with a needle?" Max sighed, rolling up her sleeve and holding out her arm.

One by one, Hopper and Joyce took everyone's blood sample and waited for the results. "Wait so why can't we just use someone's blood? Does it matter?" Steve asked, looking at the gate.

"Yes, it matters!" Mike, Hopper and Dustin sighed in unison.

"She'll die if we give her the wrong blood, dipshit." Dustin rolled his eyes, glancing at the gate.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not a science nerd like half of the people in this r-" Steve couldn't finish his sentence as he was knocked to the ground by a demodog which had managed to sneak into the room.

Mike went over to Hopper, "We have to do this quickly before the Mind Flayer tries to stop us."

"Calm down, it's almost done."

"Don't give me the "calm down' bullshit right now!" Mike nearly yelled.

Hopper gave Mike a look before continuing what he was doing while Mike stood at El's side.

"There's 8 other  people in this room and none of them noticed the fucking demodog sneak in here!" Steve shouted as he fought the monster off.

"Hey, 1 of those 8 people is currently unconscious with a monster in her so stop complaining."  Lucas shouted back, hitting another demodog with his wrist rocket.

"Hopper you might want to hurry up!" Steve shouted, knocking the monster to the ground.

Moment later, multiple dead corpses of demodogs laid around them, but a faint growling noise rang out around them.

"The Mind Flayer is going to send another wave of demodogs soon," Mike said, glancing at the wall and at the gate.

"Who's blood do we need?" Max asked, brushing her red hair back.

"Will, come here." Hopper said, "You're the only one with O- blood."

AN: Did you really think I would be that cliche and have Mike be the one with the same blood as her? Haha no.

Will nodded and walked over to Hopper, holding out his arm to him. He began to draw Will's blood as the second wave hit.

"Steve help us!" Dustin shouted, pointing at the monsters who were running out of the gate and towards them.

Suddenly El's eyes went wide and she gasped. "Mike let me go!" Her hands grasped the needles and other machines that were attached to her and began to rip them out. Her eyes blazed coldly as she locked eyes with Mike.

"El it's me, Mike. Come on, don't let it control you." Mike pleaded, but knew that the control on her was too strong to break now.

"Kid stay here," Hopper instructed to Will before pulling out his gun and shooting at the monsters who came too close.

Joyce and Mike worked together, trying to keep El stable while she fought against them. Steve and the rest of the kids fought against the monsters, keeping them away from El and the machinery.

"El stop fighting against us please!" Mike pleaded, holding El's wrists back.

"Let me go!" She screamed, Mike's heart slowly breaking.

"El I can't I'm sorry." He held her wrists back and kissed her lips hard, smiling as she began to calm.

Oml the story is almost done!

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