7• Place your bet

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I returned back to the party disappointed, I was really hoping for a good time tonight. I spot Jessie having complete fun on the dance floor with her girlfriend as she smiles brightly at her and dips her. I look for Bryan but he's no where in sight. I glance back at Jessie and she moves quickly as a huge crowd gathers together. There's hooting and hollering and yelling. I quickly race to the huge crowded circle. I can't see much due to me being short and there being a lot of people gambling for a stare.

I finally get a good glimpse and see—Wait, the girl looks oddly familiar. I stare harder and longer and realize it's the photographer who took my models pictures. She's in a brawl right now. Jessie stands between her and this tall buff dude.

"Dude, she's a fucking girl!" Jessie yells but that doesn't seem to phase the guy as he eyes the girl angrily with a balled fist and clenched jaw.

"Piss off!" He says in a strong British accent.

"She's basically dry fucking humping my girl and had the "addacity" to laugh in my face about it, so now she must get punched for the big balls she had!" He shouts and a smug smirk falls upon the girls face as she eyes the very tall and muscular guy. She throw a quick wink towards the girl who stands in the circle with her arms crossed as she eyes the photographer.

Things moved quickly after that, the guy broke from Jessie's grasp and shoved the girl. She flew backwards and fell into the crowd. The crowd pushed her back into the "ring". She then delivers a punch to the guys face while smiling.

"I'm warning ya girl, back off before I hurt ya!" He calls warningly.

"Back down Lou! Don't be a dumbass, you know you can't take this fucker down!" Another guy yells to her as he pulls at her wrist. She yanks it out of his grasp and eyes the muscular guy deviously.

"Fuck you Fred!" She calls and delivers another punch, well tried because the guy dodges it and pulls her into a headlock. She smiles bitterly and stomps hard on the guys toes and twist his arm once he lets go and punches him. The guy doesn't go down easily, so she deliver another punch, and this time with a far pullback and much force. The guy stumbles to the ground in defeat and the "Fred" guy grabs the girls arm and runs quickly out of the house.

To join the rebellion I follow.

"What the fuck Lou! I can't bring you any fucking where!" The Guy scowls as the girl stumbles and breaks out into laughter.

"Oh fuck off, you didn't t even help, you were scared shitless!" She teases as she makes a childish raspberry. The guy stops in his tracks and turn to her.

"You had got yourself in it, so you had to get yourself out! Plus I'm tired of fighting your fucking battles, I'm on parole dumbass, I can go to jail!"

"Whatever," she spits.

"Hey, you!" I call loudly, and the both of them turn to stare at me. The smile drops from the girls face as she tries to review who I am.

"I know you," She says as she stumbles toward me.

"Yes, you're the photographer who took—" before I could even explain our relations, she interrupts me.

"Ah yes, the girl who needed an interpreter" she chuckles.

"I know how to talk for myself!" I demand defensively. I don't know why I'm explaining myself to a drunken girl, but she does keep mentioning the "interpreter" part purposely. I know how to speak for myself, thank you very much.

"Ignore her, she's pretty drunk." The guy grunts out.

"No, she knows exactly what I am talking about," she smiles teasingly at me. She eyes me mysteriously from head to toe. Her eyes never missing a feature on my body.

"Where is your phone for the Uber Lou?" The guy groans out.

"It's uh, it's uh?" She says as she pats her pockets. She then adverts her eyes back to the guy and make an "oops" look. He grunts out in frustration and rubs his eyelids.

"I'm too buzzed for this shit!" He mutters.

I fumble with my car keys and stare at the two.

"I-I can g-g-give you guys a ride to where ever you're headed" I stutter out. The girl burst into laughter out of nowhere. The guy stares down at her.

"Told you she doesn't know how to talk!" She smirks deviously at me. The street light reflects upon her wicked grin and hazy eyes. Her hair is a mess as the locks sprawl all over her head. She runs her hand carelessly through it and turns to stare at the street. The guy, however, still stares at me.

"We'll take that ride," he says quickly as he tugs at the girl, who quickly turns back around. She shakes her head and pokes the guy in the shoulder.

"Wait, chill, we can walk." She mumbles lowly.

"Huh, w-walk!? Are you fucking serious Lou, we live in fucking Jersey,"

"Oh stop being a pussy, it'll only be a 30 minute walk!"

"More like 3 hours, I'm not about to be walking on the fucking George Washington Bridge, at 2 in the morning, to get home, when we clearly have a ride! Let's go you fucking idiot!" He says as he tugs her and waits for me to show him the way. I still fumble with my keys and walk towards my car, well where I think I parked my car.

Bryan will be fine, I'm sure of it.

I finally find my car and unlock the doors. The guy throws the girl into the backseat and gets into the front seat and buckles his seatbelt.

I do the same as I start the car up.

"I'm Fred by the way, I work with Lou," he states as he extends his hand for me to shake. I take my hand off the steering wheel briefly to shake his hand.

"I'm hungry dude!" Lou calls out angrily. Fred twist in his seat and throw her a look. The look a mother gives her child when the kid is acting a fool in the back seat.

"Well wait till we're home! 165 E. Alger street," he states to me as he ignores the groans irrupting from the back. I turn my head worried because they do not sound like good groans, they sound worst.

"Pull over!" She demands instantly.

"Lou we're not stoping to get something to eat!"

"Pull the fuck over now!" She demands and I quickly pull out of my lane, cutting off a Civic sedan, who blows its horn rudely! She emerges from the car before I could even put it in park.

"Bleh" She says as she pukes her guts out. That goes on for about 3 minutes. Me patiently waiting while tapping my thumb against the steering wheel and the guy resting his head in his hand embarrassingly. After 2 more minutes of her just hunched over on the side of the road, she finally climbs back into the car with the biggest smirk.

"Looks like we are going to have to stop to get something to eat, all of my food from earlier just came up," She chuckles. I roll my eyes annoyed. It's 2 am in the morning and I have work.

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